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Verwalten von Upgrades für Sandkastenlösungen

Verwalten von Upgrades für Sandkastenlösungen


Sandkastenlösungen sind ein großartiges Feature der SharePoint 2010-Plattform.  Da sie an vielen unterschiedlichen Orten innerhalb von Farmen oder Websitesammlungen bereitgestellt werden, ergibt sich die Frage, wie sie am sinnvollsten verwaltet werden können.

Zur Unterstützung bei dieser Aufgabe stellen wir Ihnen ein PowerShell-Skript zur Verfügung.  Es ist sehr einfach aufgebaut, kann jedoch erweitert werden, sodass Sie es gemeinsam mit den Tools verwenden können, die Sie bereits zur Verwaltung Ihrer Farmen und Websitesammlungen nutzen.

Nachfolgend wird die Funktionsweise des Skripts beschrieben: 

Jeder bereitgestellten Sandkastenlösung ist eine Lösungs-ID zugeordnet.  In der Lösung finden Sie ein oder mehrere Features mit einer Feature-ID und einer Versionsnummer.   Bei der Suche nach einer bestimmten Lösungs-ID wird vom Skript die gesamte Farm oder Websitesammlung durchsucht, und es wird ein Protokoll mit einer Auflistung aller Orte generiert, an denen die Lösung zu finden ist.  Anschließend wird jedes Feature innerhalb der Lösung geprüft, und dem Protokoll wird ein Eintrag mit der jeweiligen Versionsnummer des Features hinzugefügt.  Die Informationen werden auch aktualisiert, wenn eine neue Version der Lösung bereitgestellt wird.  Der Protokolleintrag dient dem Skript als Kennzeichen zum Ausführen von Upgrades, kann aber auch zum Sammeln von Informationen zur Lösung genutzt werden.

Das Skript hat folgende Parameter:

·         Dateipfad und Name der zu aktualisierenden Lösung (WSP-Datei).

·         Switch-Parameter, durch den angezeigt wird, ob das Upgrade ausgeführt werden sollte oder nicht.


·         Bei der das Skript ausführenden Person sollte es sich um den lokalen Administrator handeln, und er sollte zum Ausführen von Upgrades berechtigt sein.

·         Berechtigungsstufen sollten so geändert werden, dass dem Administrator Vollzugriff gewährt wird.

·         Nach dem Upgrade sollten die ursprünglichen Berechtigungseinstellungen wieder hergestellt werden.

Das Protokollformat umfasst Folgendes:

·         Details zum Dateipfad und -namen der überprüften Lösung, einschließlich der Lösungs-ID.

·         Details zu allen überprüften Websitesammlungen.

·         Für Websitesammlungen ist jeweils Folgendes aufgeführt:

o   Die Information, ob eine entsprechende Lösung gefunden wurde.

o   Details zu der entfernten Lösungsdatei, sofern vorhanden, damit sie durch eine neue Version ersetzt werden kann.

o   Informationen zum Erfolg oder Fehlschlagen eines Upgrades.

·         Eine Zusammenfassung, die Folgendes umfasst:

o   Die Anzahl der überprüften Websitesammlungen.

o   Falls kein Upgrade ausgeführt wird, eine zusammenfassende Liste der Websites, für die ein Upgrade erforderlich ist, sowie Details zur aktuellen Version aller Feature(-IDs) in der Lösung.

o   Falls DOCH ein Upgrade ausgeführt wird, die Feature- und Versionsinformationen sowie die Details zu erfolgreichen Upgrades, erfolgreichen Neuinstallationen bzw. Features, die nicht geändert wurden, da sie bereits aktuell sind.

Bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise:

Eine Voraussetzung bei der Verwendung der SharePoint 2010-Plattform ist, dass die Lösungen unterschiedliche Dateinamen aufweisen.  Falls sie identisch sind, erhalten Sie die Fehlermeldung, dass die Lösung bereits aktiv ist.  Beim Ausführen eines Upgrades für eine Lösung wird die Lösungs-ID verwendet, um vorhandene Versionen der Lösung zu suchen und DANN die Versionsdetails zu prüfen.  Durch das Upgrade wird lediglich eine neue Version installiert.  Es wird kein Rollback für eine alte Version ausgeführt.  Falls die Versionen identisch sind, wird keine Änderung durchgeführt.

Wir hoffen, dass dieses Skript Ihnen die Verwaltung bereitgestellter Lösungen und die Ausführung von Upgrades erleichtern wird.

# SharePoint DLL



#Cmdlet Install

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


#Log file definition

$intro = "User Solution Upgrader v1.0 - Log File"

$date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd')


Set-Variable -Name ForReading -value 1 -Option Constant

Set-Variable -Name ForWriting -value 2 -Option Constant

Set-Variable -Name ForAppending -value 8 -Option Constant


#Assume that the current "Domain\User" is the box admin entitled to perform the reconaissance and upgrade actions.

$admin  = $env:UserDomain + "\" + $env:UserName

if ($env:UserDomain -eq $null)


                $admin = $admin.substring(1)



# Get the script's parent folder. This is where the log file will be written.

$logFolder = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent

$getACL = Get-Acl $logFolder

$access = $getACL.Access | Where { $_.IdentityReference -eq $admin }

if ($access -eq $null -or

    ($access.FileSystemRights -ne [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl -and

     ($access.FileSystemRights -ne [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::Write -and

      $access.FileSystemRights -ne [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::CreateFiles)))


                $logFolder = $env:userprofile



# Add the log file name to the path.

$logFileFullPath = Join-Path $logFolder "usersolutionupgrader-$date.txt"


# Open file

$fo = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject

$f = $fo.OpenTextFile($logFileFullPath, $ForAppending, $true)


if ($f -eq $null)


                $logFolder = $env:userprofile

                $logFileFullPath = Join-Path $logFolder "usersolutionupgrader-$date.txt"

                $f = $fo.OpenTextFile($logFileFullPath, $ForAppending, $true)



#Confirm log file on screen

Write-Host ("Log Path: " + $logFileFullPath)


#Write intro line




function WriteLog


                $dt = Get-Date

                $logMsg = $dt.ToShortDateString() + "  " + $dt.ToShortTimeString() + "`t" + $args[0]


                Write-Output($logMsg)  #Turn this on when you need console output



function exitScript()


                if ($f -ne $null)




                Write-Host "Exiting script due to error."




WriteLog ("Current user (admin):   $admin")


#solution details

$solFile = ""

$targetSolutionId = ""

$upgrade = $false

$myError = $null


$haveCurrentFeatures = $false

$haveNewFeatures  = $false

$numSites = 0

$oldFeatures = @{}

$newFeatures = @{}

$solSites = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

$solFailSites = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList


#Parse the commandline parameters

if (($args -eq $null) -or ($args.Count -lt 2))


                WriteLog("Error: This script has been called without enough parameters. Listing your parameters below:")


                if ($f -ne $null)








                $badParameters = $false

                foreach ($arg in $args)


                                switch ($arg)


                                                "-upgrade"  {$upgrade = $true}

                                                "-path" {[void] $foreach.MoveNext(); $solFile = $foreach.Current}

                                                default {$badParameters = $true}




                if ($badParameters -eq $true)


                                WriteLog("You passed in a bad parameter.")




                #Validate parameters

                $extension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($solFile)

                if (($extension -eq $null) -or ($extension -ne ".wsp") -or (!(Test-Path $solFile)))


                                WriteLog("Error: The solution file name is not of WSP format or is an invalid file.")




                #Confirm parameter values captured

                $fileName = Split-Path $solFile -Leaf

                WriteLog("Solution Path is: `t" + $solFile)

                WriteLog("Solution Name is: `t" + $fileName)

                if ($upgrade)


                                WriteLog "The tool will attempt to perform UPGRADE on the site collections"


                WriteLog ""



#Get solution ID from given WSP

$tempPath = Join-Path $env:temp "upgrader" | Join-Path -ChildPath $fileName

$shell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application" -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable myError

if ($myError -ne $null)


                WriteLog("FAILED to create the Shell.Application object.")

                WriteLog("Error: " + $myError)

                $myError = $null



[IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($tempPath)  | Out-Null

$tempFolder = $shell.NameSpace($tempPath)



#Take the file name ("yourfile.wsp") from the original path

$tempSolPath = Join-Path $tempPath $fileName


if (!(Test-Path $tempSolPath))


                WriteLog "Error: Failed to copy WSP file to temp location."




#Rename the WSP file to have CAB extension in order to facilitate CAB extraction

$cabFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName) + ".cab"


Rename-Item $tempSolPath $cabFileName

$cabPath = Join-Path $tempPath $cabFileName


$sourceWsp = $shell.NameSpace($cabPath).items()


$manifestPath = Join-Path $tempPath "manifest.xml"

[xml]$manifest = Get-Content $manifestPath

$targetSolutionId = $manifest.Solution.SolutionId


#Validate Solution GUID

[Guid]$testGuid = "B80D56EC-5899-459d-83B4-1AE0BB8418E4"

if (($targetSolutionId -eq $null) -or ($targetSolutionId.Length -lt 36) -or

    ([System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor]::GetConverter($testGuid).ConvertFromString($targetSolutionId) -eq $null))


                WriteLog("Error: Target solution ID is invalid: " + $stringSolutionId)




WriteLog("Extracted solution ID: $targetSolutionId from manifest.xml")



#Now delete temp folder.

Remove-Item $tempPath\*

Remove-Item $tempPath


#Go through Content DBs

WriteLog ("Looking for Solution Id: " + $targetSolutionId + " in all Content Databases`n")

$dbs = Get-SPContentDatabase


foreach ($contentdb in $dbs)


                #Web App Level

                $webAppUrl = $contentdb.WebApplication.Url


                #Get WebApp

                $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $webAppUrl


                $policy = $webApp.Policies[$admin]

                $policyAdded = $false

                $roleAdded = $false


                #If the admin doesn't have Full Control, it will be granted as follows:

                if ($policy -eq $null)


                                $policy = $webApp.Policies.Add($admin, "") 

                                $webAppModified = $true

                                $policyAdded = $true

                                WriteLog "Added a policy entry for user '$admin'."



                $fullRole = $webApp.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole([Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullControl)

                if ($policy.PolicyRoleBindings[$fullRole] -eq $null)



                                $webAppModified = $true

                                $roleAdded = $true

                                WriteLog "Full Control added for '$admin' to Web Application '$webAppUrl'"



                if ($webAppModified)



                                $webAppModified = $false



                #Done. Have Full Control

                WriteLog ("Entering Web Application '$webAppUrl'.`n")

                Get-SPSite -WebApplication $webApp -Limit ALL | % {

                                $site = $_

                                $solution = $null

                                $foundSolution = $false


                                #Scan for solution here

                                Get-SPUserSolution -Site $_ | Where { $_.Status -eq [Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPUserSolutionStatus]::Activated -and $_.SolutionId -eq $targetSolutionId } | % {

                                                if ($foundSolution -eq $false)


                                                                $foundSolution = $true

                                                                $solution = $_


                                                                if ($haveCurrentFeatures -eq $false)


                                                                                Get-SPFeature -Sandboxed -Site $site | Where { $_.SolutionId -eq $targetSolutionId } | % {$oldFeatures.Add($_.Id, $_)}

                                                                                $haveCurrentFeatures = $true



                                                                if ($upgrade -eq $false)


                                                                                $solSites.Add($site.Url)  | Out-Null         


                                                                $solutionHash = $_.Signature

                                                                WriteLog ("Found site collection: " + $site.Url)



                                $numSites ++


                                #DoUpgrade here

                                if ($upgrade -and $foundSolution)


                                                $successAdd = $false

                                                WriteLog ("Uploading new solution file as: $fileName")


                                                #Add + Upgrade solution

                                                $myError = $null

                                                Add-SPUserSolution -LiteralPath $solFile -Site $site -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable myError -Confirm:$false

                                                if ($myError -ne $null)


                                                                WriteLog("Site collection '" + $site.Url + "' FAILED to upload the new solution.")

                                                                WriteLog("Error: " + $myError)

                                                                $myError = $null




                                                                $successAdd = $true



                                                $addedSolution = Get-SPUserSolution -Identity $fileName -Site $site

                                                if ($addedSolution -ne $null)


                                                                WriteLog ("Found solution $fileName in the Solutions Gallery. Attempting to use it...")


                                                                #First check for already updated solution

                                                                if ($addedSolution.Signature -eq $solutionHash) 


                                                                                #This means we have the same version installed. Just skip it. And delete our copy!

                                                                                WriteLog ("New solution is already active on this site collection.")


                                                                                if ($successAdd -eq $true)


                                                                                                #Remove the new solution (the dupe)

                                                                                                WriteLog ("Removing file: $fileName")

                                                                                                Remove-SPUserSolution -Identity $addedSolution -Site $site -Confirm:$false

                                                                                                if (!($solFailSites.Contains($site.Url)))


                                                                                                                $solFailSites.Add($site.Url) | Out-Null






                                                                                #Perform upgrade

                                                                                Update-SPUserSolution -Identity $solution -Site $site -ToSolution $addedSolution -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable myError -Confirm:$false

                                                                                if ($myError -ne $null)


                                                                                                WriteLog("Site collection '" + $site.Url + "' FAILED to upgrade to the new solution.")

                                                                                                WriteLog("Error: " + $myError)

                                                                                                if (!($solFailSites.Contains($site.Url)))


                                                                                                                $solFailSites.Add($site.Url) | Out-Null


                                                                                                $myError = $null



                                                                                if (!($solFailSites.Contains($site.Url)))


                                                                                                #Upgrade succeeded

                                                                                                WriteLog("Site collection '" + $site.Url + "' has been upgraded to the new solution.")

                                                                                                WriteLog ""

                                                                                                $solSites.Add($site.Url)  | Out-Null


                                                                                                #Record results AFTER upgrade

                                                                                                if ($haveNewFeatures -eq $false)


                                                                                                                Get-SPFeature -Sandboxed -Site $site | Where { $_.SolutionId -eq $targetSolutionId } | %{$newFeatures.Add($_.Id, $_)}

                                                                                                                $haveNewFeatures = $true







                                                                if (!($solFailSites.Contains($site.Url)))


                                                                                $solFailSites.Add($site.Url) | Out-Null







                #Close permissions and webApp

                if ($roleAdded)



                                $webAppModified = $true

                        WriteLog "Removed Full Control for '$admin' from Web Application '$webAppUrl'"


                if ($policyAdded)



                                $webAppModified = $true

                                WriteLog "Removed the policy entry for user '$admin'."


                if ($webAppModified)



                                $webAppModified = $false


                WriteLog ""

                WriteLog "Done with Web Application."

                WriteLog ""



#Final tally of site collections

WriteLog("Analysis of site collection upgrades for solution ID $targetSolutionId ...")

WriteLog("We have processed a total of $numSites site collections.")



if ($upgrade)


                #Site Collection Summary

                if ($solSites.Count -eq 0)


                                WriteLog("No site collections were upgraded. Refer to this log for any upgrade errors.")




                                WriteLog("Listing site collections that have been upgraded:")

                                foreach ($siteUrl in $solSites)






                if ($solFailSites.Count -ne 0)


                                WriteLog("Listing site collections that FAILED to upgrade:")

                                foreach ($siteUrl in $solFailSites)






                #Feature Upgrade Summary

                if ($newFeatures.Count -gt 0)


                                WriteLog ""

                                WriteLog "Feature upgrade summary for the New User Solution:"

                                foreach($fKey in $newFeatures.Keys)  


                                                $fDef = $oldFeatures[$fKey]

                                                $fDef2 = $newFeatures[$fKey]


                                                #Feature ID and DisplayName

                                                WriteLog("Feature ID: " + $fDef2.Id + "`t DisplayName: " + $fDef2.DisplayName)


                                                #Feature Version

                                                if ($fDef -eq $null)


                                                                #New feature added.

                                                                WriteLog("This feature has been newly added.`t`t`t Version " + $fDef2.Version)




                                                                if ($fDef.Version -eq $fDef2.Version)


                                                                                WriteLog("This feature has been unchanged.`t`t`t Version " + $fDef2.Version)




                                                                                WriteLog("Feature went from Version " + $fDef.Version + " to Version " + $fDef2.Version)




                                                WriteLog ""


                                WriteLog ("The new solution holds a total of " + $newFeatures.Count + " feature(s).")





                if ($solSites.Count -eq 0)


                                WriteLog("No site collections have been found.")




                                WriteLog("We have found " + $solSites.Count + " site collections, as follows (no upgrade action performed):")

                                foreach ($siteUrl in $solSites)






                WriteLog ""

                WriteLog "Feature summary for current User Solution:"

                foreach($fKey in $oldFeatures.Keys)


                                $fDef = $oldFeatures[$fKey]

                                WriteLog ("Feature DisplayName: `t" + $fDef.DisplayName)

                                WriteLog ("Feature Version: `t" + $fDef.Version)

                                WriteLog ("Feature Id: `t`t" + $fDef.Id)



                WriteLog ""

                WriteLog ("Found a total of " + $oldFeatures.Count + " feature(s).")

                WriteLog ""


WriteLog ""


#Close the file handle.

if ($f -ne $null)





Veröffentlicht: 15.08.2010 23:30 (Pazifische Normalzeit, PST)

Es handelt sich hierbei um einen übersetzten Blogbeitrag. Sie finden den Originalartikel unter Managing Upgrades on Sandbox Solutions