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Even Shakespeare new the truth in software

I know that this is not really Shakespeare, but I couldn’t resist. One of my favorite movies is Shakespeare in love and I am going to list the quote and then update it for today:

FENNYMAN: This time the boots are coming off!
HENSLOWE: What have I done, Mr. Fennyman?
FENNYMAN: The theatres are all closed by the plague.
HENSLOWE: Oh, that.
FENNYMAN: -by order of the Master of the Revels.
HENSLOWE: Mr. Fennyman, let me explain about the theatre business. The natural condition is one of the insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. Believe me, to be closed by the plague is a bagatelle in the ups and downs of owning a theatre.
FENNYMAN: So what do we do?
HENSLOWE: Nothing. Strangely enough it all turns out well.
HENSLOWE: I don't know, it's a mystery.

GM: This time the boots are coming off!
PM: What have I done, Mr. GM?
GM: The bug count is out of control.
PM: Oh, that.
PM: Mr. GM, let me explain about the software business. The natural condition is one of the insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. Believe me, to have that many bugs is a bagatelle in the ups and downs software.
GM: So what do we do?
PM: Nothing. Strangely enough it all turns out well.
GM: How?
PM: I don't know, it's a mystery.
