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TechNet Guru Awards - August 2013

The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.


The August results are in!  With 21 new SQL Server related TechNet entries, the competition for the August TechNet Guru was very tough!  Here are the final results.  Congratulations to all winners!


Guru Award  Transact-SQL Technical Guru - August 2013  

Gold Award Winner


Saeid Hasani Sort Letters in a Phrase using T-SQL Ed Price: "Fantastic formatting, very clear, and some good comment interactions! Great job!" Richard Mueller: "Very interesting with a good example. Great to list the limitations." Jinchun Chen: "Cool. Years ago, I was asked the same question. This script can apply to many real situation." Samuel Lester: "Sorting is always a great CS topic, thanks for this great content. I would love to see alternate methods for sorting, pros/cons (as you've done), performance discussion, etc. for a great learning opportunity. Nice job!"

Silver Award Winner


Naomi N T-SQL: Applying APPLY Operator Richard Mueller: "Well organized article with a good example and explanation of the code. And I liked the pun." Samuel Lester: "Outstanding format, explanation, & references (calendar table, forum post, EOMONTH() function, etc). Great job solving the question with OUTER APPLY, then referencing the LAG/LEAD functions for SQL Server 2012. Technical and very well written! Great work Naomi, one the best overall from a technical and visual perspective!" Ed Price: "Naomi nails the formatting and explains every step, taking us on this journey. Great article amongst some fierce competition this month!"

Bronze Award Winner


Saeid Hasani Custom Sort in Acyclic Digraph Samuel Lester: "WOW! Very interesting topic! We don't often see a lot of graph/tree questions in the forums, but this topic brought out a lot of great discussion. Breadth-first vs. depth-first, inorder/preorder/postorder traversal, etc. Great job adding advanced content and very strong write-up!" Richard Mueller: "Good explanation of terms, but they could be expanded." Ed Price: "A great article from Saeid on an important topic, and with good community interactions!"

Although Saeid won two of August's awards, that is simply how the voting tool goes. We also had some other excellent entries by SathyanarrayananS, Shanky_621Sugumar Pannerselvam & Surendra Nath GM  


Guru Award  SQL Server Database Engine Technical Guru - August 2013  

Gold Award Winner


Uwe Ricken Dropping a clustered index will not reorganize the HEAP

Peter Laker: "The one and only awesome entry for August!" Ed Price: "Good explanations and formatting with the TOC, code, and images!" Samuel Lester: "Uwe, thank you for the great depth and explanation! Technically and visually OUTSTANDING!" DRC: "The article is very informative, queries used are accurate to match the explanation provided."



Guru Award  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View & SQL Server Integration Services Technical Guru - August 2013  

Gold Award Winner


Rajkumar5055 SSIS - Flat File Source - Datetime Column Format - Issue & Solution Ed Price: "Great breakdown of sections. Good explanations and use of images!"

Silver Award Winner


SathyanarrayananS SSRS - How to set Column Visibility property for many columns based on Parameter value  Ed Price: "Very interesting topic! Good explanation and use of code and images! Could benefit from a TOC and Headers to break up the sections. Great article!"

Bronze Award Winner


SathyanarrayananS SSRS: Multiple Ways to Split a String into Multiple Lines Jinchun Chen: "Nice."


Sam Lester (MSFT)