UNSUPPORTED and DRAFT post - but just to play in a Lab for fun–Installing Exchange system Manager 2003 and Exmerge on a Windows 7 computer to export Exchange 2007 mailbox data to PST files
Installing ExMerge:
ExMerge download link :
Installing ESM 2003 on a Windows 7 64 bits machine:
- First download the ESM for Vista :
- Second, extract the MSI (launch the .exe) somewhere
- Third, run ESMVISTA.MSI /passive
Of course an ESM 2003 on a Windows 7 is not supported, but that only means “not tested”, that actually works… now we have to test using ExMerge with this from a Windows 7 64 bits.
Well it’s just for one export right? Then we just have to make it work. But you won’t get any help if it doesn’t work or if it crashes !
Note: For a more long-term SUPPORTED solution, we’ll have to install Exchange 2007 management tools on a 32 bits machine.