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Search application 'Search Service Application' is in a good state and try again


We get the error on Search Admin page  "Search service application is not working we are getting error "The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component. Verify that the administration component <GUID> in search application 'Search Service Application' is in a good state and try again."


We started search service on a different service and created Search application using power shell.
You can provision your own service application pool instead of using the SharePoint Web Services Default.
•    $app = new-spserviceapplicationpool –name MOSS2010_Search_AppPool -account  domain\account
Create Search Service Application
•     $SearchApp = New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name  MOSS2010_SSA -applicationpool $App -databasename MOSS2010_SSADB
•     $proxy = new-spenterprisesearchserviceapplicationproxy -name MOSS2010searchserviceapplicationproxy -Uri $searchapp.uri.absoluteURI
•     $proxy.status
•     $si = get-spenterprisesearchserviceinstance –local
•     $si.status
•     Start-SpEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -identity $SI
•    set-spenterprisesearchadministrationcomponent –searchapplication $searchapp  –searchserviceinstance $si
•     $ct = $searchapp | new-spenterprisesearchcrawltopology
•     $csid = $SearchApp.CrawlStores | select id
•     $CrawlStore = $SearchApp.CrawlStores.item($ 
•     $hname = hostname
•     new-spenterprisesearchcrawlcomponent -crawltopology $ct -crawldatabase $Crawlstore -searchserviceinstance $hname
•     $qt = $searchapp | new-spenterprisesearchquerytopology -partitions 1
•     $p1 = ($qt | get-spenterprisesearchindexpartition)
•     new-spenterprisesearchquerycomponent -indexpartition $p1 -querytopology $qt -searchserviceinstance $si
•     $PSID = $SearchApp.PropertyStores | Select id
•     $PropDB = $SearchApp.PropertyStores.Item($
•     $p1 | set-spenterprisesearchindexpartition -PropertyDatabase $PropDB
•     $qt | Set-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology –Active
