Simple List Extensions - Spec update
As promised, I've posted a local (draft) version of the updated Simple List Extensions 1.0 (which we're mirroring on this site while we get the MSDN site updated) as well as a companion document (SLX Explained) with samples, examples, and more detailed explanations.
The idea is that the companion document will evolve much more often as people ask questions or need clarification and will serve as a permanent record of useful questions and clarifications. Whenever we post a major change to either document, we'll post to the blog.
Thanks again!
- Anonymous
August 26, 2005
To be clear, IE7 doesn't support Simple List Extensions yet, does it? Will the PDC version (Beta2?)?
c - Anonymous
August 27, 2005
That's correct. IE 7 Beta 1 does not ınclude support for the Sımple Lıst Extensıons. It should be avaılable ın Beta 2. - Anonymous
August 27, 2005
OK thanks. Can't wait! - Anonymous
September 18, 2005
Ah I was wondering about the same thing, thanks for clearing up everything. Looking forward to the post about RSS enabled Windows Vista. - Anonymous
October 09, 2005
OK thanks