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Content Publishing Folder Splitter

In short ...

  • CPsplitter splits the exported content publishing files into sub folders and updates their manifests.
  • CPsplitter can be downloaded from a link at the bottom of this post.


Enhanced overview

When exporting content from SharePoint using the Content Migration API - the exported content can be packaged and compressed in CAB files.

To faster Content Migration EXPORT - you can choose to avoid content compression.

This choice has another side effect: the content is exported directly to your chosen target location, and you avoid the use of the system chosen intermediate storage folder.

So you happily run your faster process and export a couple of thousands of files to your desired folder, until you suddenly notice that the operation is gracefully s l o w i n g d o w n as more and more files are added to this folder . . .

This is where CPsplitter comes into the picture: it waits for the manifest to be released from the EXPORT process, and moves the manifest, along with all its files, to a sub folder, letting the EXPORT process keep running at full speed ahead.

"The manifest? " you may ask, "What is that?"

· Well, every exported piece of content is listed in an XML file that is named 'manifest.xml', which is later used in the IMPORT operation.

· There can be multiple manifest files for a single EXPORT, and you can roughly control the number of files listed in each manifest by setting the 'File Max Size' in the EXPORT application.

"The EXPORT application? " you ask ...

· Well, there are multiple tools and means to export content from SharePoint 2007, each is best suited for certain scenarios. Some are part of the product, like STSADM and the Central Administration Content Deployment process. Others are highly customized applications that were developed by our partners, and there are even a couple of freely downloadable samples (like the SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard from CodePlex, the Content Publishing tool that accompanies my Content Migration API in Action" post and others) that you can use for some scenarios.

SO ... assuming you would like to give it a try - here is a simple sample walkthrough:

1. Prepare

1.1. Make sure you can install and run the applications on the SharePoint server (in a TEST environment! )

1.2. Select the SharePoint 2007 site you want to export

1.3. Download the Content Publishing application and unzip

1.4. Download the CPsplitter application (see link by the end of the article) and unzip

2. Run the Content Publishing application and in the EXPORT pane ...

2.1. Set 'Export file location' to be c:\kuku

2.2. Unselect 'File Compression'

2.3. Type you site URL in the 'Site URL'

2.4. Set 'File Max Size' to be 1 (meaning: 1 MB)

2.5. Click EXPORT to get it going and acknowledge you wish to run it J

3. While the EXPORT is running ...

3.1. Look at c:\kuku and see the files getting in

3.2. Run CPsplitter

3.3. Click 'Demo' to set the properties

3.4. Click 'Split Files into Folders'

3.5. Monitor CPsplitter logging and c:\kuku

So far so good for export …

But now you want to IMPORT, and the manifests are not in the root folder, and the files are scattered all over …

No worries – you’ve got CPsplitter!

Run CPsplitter, make sure MANIFEST.XSLT is in place and the TARGET FOLDER is correct and click UPDATE MANIFESTS.

 “What will it do?” you ask …

· Here is what it will (hopefully) do: every manifest, from every sub folder of the TARGET FOLDER, will be updated to refer to the files in the sub folder, and will be copied to the root TARGET FOLDER, which is used for the IMPORT of Content Publishing.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties. Use of included utilities are subject to the terms specified here.

Enjoy content migration,



  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2008
    In short ... CPsplitter splits the exported content publishing files into sub folders and updates their