Server 2008 Core Commands:
Server 2008 Core Commands:
· Set IP Address: <Nic> <Dynamic or Static> <IP> <mask> <gateway>
o Netsh interface ip set address “Local Area Connection” static
· Set DNS <dns server ip>
o Netsh interface ip set dnsserver “Local Area Connection” static
· Rename Computer:
o Netdom renamecomputer <computername> /newname:<newcomputername>
· Join domain: please note paswordD should have two “D’s” because you are specifying a Domain password
o Netdom join <computername> /domain:<FQDN> /userD:<domain admin> /passwordD:<domain password> <or “*”>
· Enable Remote Administration
o netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin ENABLE
· Set Firewall
o Netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 ENABLE
o Netsh firewall set opmode ENABLE
· Map Network Drive:
o net use [DriveLetter] \\Computername\ShareName
DriveLetter = D: E: F: Whatever you have available. Please omit the brackets when defining the driveletter
Configuration and installation
Task |
Steps |
Set the local administrative password |
At a command prompt, type: Net user administrator * |
Join a computer to a domain |
1. At a command prompt, type on one line: Netdom join %computername% /domain:<domain> /userd:<domain>\username> /password:* 2. Restart the computer. |
Confirm that the domain has changed |
At a command prompt, type: Set |
Remove a computer from a domain |
At a command prompt, type: Netdom remove |
Add a user to the local Administrators group. |
At a command prompt, type: Net localgroup Administrators /add <domain>\<username> |
Remove a user from the local Administrators group |
At a command prompt, type: Net localgroup Administrators /delete <domain\username> |
Add a user to the local computer |
At a command prompt, type: Net user <domain\user name> /add * |
Add a group to the local computer |
At a command prompt, type: Net localgroup <group name> /add |
Change the name of a domain-joined computer |
At a command prompt, type: Netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName:<new computer name> /userd:<domain\username> /password:* |
Confirm the new computer name |
At a command prompt, type: Set |
Change the name of a computer in a work group |
1. At a command prompt, type: Netdom renamecomputer <currentcomputername> /NewName:<newcomputername> 2. Restart the computer. |
Disable paging file management |
At a command prompt, type: Wmic computersystem where name="<computername>" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False |
Configure the paging file |
At a command prompt, type: Wmic pagefileset where name=”<path/filename>” set InitialSize=<initialsize>,MaximumSize=<maxsize> Where: path/filename is the path to and name of the paging file initialsize is the starting size of the paging file in bytes. maxsize is the maximum size of the page file in bytes. |
Change to a static IP address. |
1. At a command prompt, type: Ipconfig /all 2. Record the relevant information or redirect it to a text file (ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt). 3. At a command prompt, type: Netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces 4. Verify that there is an interface list. 5. At a command prompt, type: Netsh interface ipv4 set address name <ID from interface list> source=static address=<preferred IP address> gateway=<gateway address> 6. Verify by typing Ipconfig /all at a command prompt and checking that DHCP enabled is set to No. |
Set a static DNS address. |
1. At a command prompt, type: Netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=<name of primary DNS server> address=<IP address of the primary DNS server> index=1 2. At a command prompt, type: Netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=<name of secondary DNS server> address=<IP address of the secondary DNS server> index=2 3. Repeat as appropriate to add additional servers. 4. Verify by typing Ipconfig /all and checking that all the addresses are correct. |
Change to a DHCP-provided IP address from a static IP address. |
1. At a command prompt, type: Netsh interface ipv4 set address name=<IP address of local system> source=DHCP 2. Verify by typing Ipconfig /all and checking that DCHP enabled is set to Yes. |
Activate the server locally. |
At a command prompt, type: Slmgr.vbs -ato |
Activate the server remotely. |
1. At a command prompt, type: Cscript slmgr.vbs -ato <servername> <username> <password> 2. Retrieve the GUID of the computer by typing Cscript slmgr.vbs -did 3. Type Cscript slmgr.vbs -dli <GUID> 4. Verify that License status is set to Licensed (activated) . |
Networking and firewall
Task |
Steps |
Configure your server to use a proxy server. |
At a command prompt, type: Netsh Winhttp set proxy <servername>:<port number> |
Configure your server to bypass the proxy for internet addresses. |
At a command prompt, type: Netsh winttp set proxy <servername>:<port number>bypass-list="<local>" |
Display or modify IPSEC configuration. |
At a command prompt, type: Netsh ipsec |
Display or modify NAP configuration. |
At a command prompt, type: Netsh nap |
Display or modify IP to physical address translation. |
At a command prompt, type: Arp |
Display or configure the local routing table. |
At a command prompt, type: Route |
View or configure DNS server settings. |
At a command prompt, type: Nslookup |
Display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. |
At a command prompt, type: Netstat |
Display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT). |
At a command prompt, type: Nbtstat |
Display hops for network connections. |
At a command prompt, type: Pathping |
Trace hops for network connections. |
At a command prompt, type: Tracert |
Display the configuration of the multicast router. |
At a command prompt, type: Mrinfo |
Enable remote administration of the firewall. |
At a command prompt, type: Netsh firewall set service remoteadmin enable |
Updates, error reporting, and feedback
Task |
Steps |
Install an update. |
At a command prompt, type: Wusa <update>.msu /quiet |
Remove an update. |
1. Type at a command prompt: Expand /f:* <update>.msu c:\test 2. Navigate to c:\test\ and open <update>.xml in a text editor. 3. In <update>.xml, replace Install with Remove and save the file. 4. At a command prompt, type: Pkgmgr /n:<update>.xml |
Configure automatic updates. |
At a command prompt: · · To verify the current setting, type: Cscript scregedit.wsf /AU /v · · To enable automatic updates, type: Cscript scregedit.wsf /AU /4 · · To disable automatic updates, type: Cscript scregedit.wsf /AU /1 |
Enable error reporting. |
At a command prompt: · · To verify the current setting, type: ServerWerOptin /query · · To automatically send detailed reports, type: ServerWerOptin /detailed · · To automatically send summary reports, type: ServerWerOptin /summary · · To disable error reporting, type: ServerWerOptin /disable |
Participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). |
At a command prompt: · · To verify the current setting, type: ServerCEIPOptin /query · · To enable CEIP, type: ServerCEIPOptin /enable · · To disable CEIP, type: ServerCEIPOptin /disable |
Services, processes, and performance
Task |
Steps |
List the running services. |
At a command prompt, type either of the following: · · Sc query · · Net start |
Start a service. |
At a command prompt, type either of the following: · · SC start <service name> · · Net start <service name> |
Stop a service. |
At a command prompt, type either of the following: · · SC stop <service name> · · Net stop <service name> |
Retrieve a list of running applications and associated processes. |
At a command prompt, type: Tasklist |
Stop a process forcibly. |
1. Use the Tasklist command to retrieve the process ID (PID). 2. At a command prompt, type: Taskkill /PID <process ID> |
Start Task Manager. |
At a command prompt, type: Taskmgr |
Manage the performance counters and logging with commands such as typeperf, logman, relog, tracerprt. |
Event logs
Task |
Steps |
List event logs. |
At a command prompt, type: Wevtutil el |
Query events in a specified log. |
At a command prompt, type: Wevtutil qe /f:text <log name> |
Export an event log. |
At a command prompt, type: Wevtutil epl <log name> |
Clear an event log. |
At a command prompt, type: Wevtutil cl <log name> |
Disk and file system
Task |
Steps |
Manage disk partitions. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Diskpart /? |
Manage software RAID. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Diskraid /? |
Manage volume mount points. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: mountvol /? |
Defragment a volume. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Defrag /? |
Convert a volume to the NTFS file system. |
At a command prompt, type: Convert <volume letter> /FS:NTFS |
Compact a file. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Compact /? |
Administer open files. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Openfiles /? |
Administer VSS folders. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Vssadmin /? |
Administer the file system. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Fsutil /? |
Verify a file signature. |
At a command prompt, type: Sigverif /? |
Take ownership of a file or folder. |
For a complete list of commands, at a command prompt, type: Icacls /? |
Task |
Steps |
Add a driver for a new hardware device. |
1. Copy the driver to a folder at %homedrive%\<driver folder>. 2. At a command prompt, type: pnputil -i -a %homedrive%\<driver folder>\<driver>.inf |
Remove a driver for a hardware device. |
1. For a list of loaded drivers, at a command prompt, type: Sc query type= driver 2. At the command prompt, type: Sc delete <service_name> |
January 01, 2003
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December 03, 2010
Really its awesome i fully satisfied whith you site coz i got over with my problum. thank you so muchAnonymous
June 24, 2011
your commands are not correct, there should be another D in the password (passwordd:*)Anonymous
August 23, 2012
thank you very much. <a href=">bundesliga live stream</a>Anonymous
February 25, 2013
Very useful Info, thanks a lot! Helped us to make this page <a href="">Livestream Bundesliga</a>Anonymous
October 31, 2013
Under "Change to a static IP address." for step 5, you are missing an "=" after name. You have: Netsh interface ipv4 set address name <ID from interface list> source=static address=<preferred IP address> gateway=<gateway address> But should have: Netsh interface ipv4 set address name=<ID from interface list> source=static address=<preferred IP address> gateway=<gateway address>