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Calling .NET Web Services from PHP (links to examples)

Back from a nice long vacation and got a quick question from a customer regarding how to call a .NET Web Service from PHP.  In theory, if a PHP developer can call a Java-based (or any other platform) web service, the PHP developer should be able to call a .NET web service.  In most cases this is true.  Issues can pop-up depending on what SOAP tool kit or platform version is used when combined with complex WSDLs or adding something like WS-Security or authentication to a web service call.  For anyone looking for working examples, here are a couple of links to calling web services published by Microsoft from PHP:


MapPoint Web Service PHP Sample


The sample PHP code is located here after installation of the MapPoint sample on my machine:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft MapPoint Web Service Samples\phplocator



Hello adCenter Sample in PHP


The adCenter example at the above link gives steps to follow to make the SOAP call. I’m not suggesting that you would want to get an adCenter account (or a MapPoint account for that matter though you may:-)) but the instructions for PHP at the above link for the adCenter sample are pretty detailed and should help with getting started.
