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Obama Say's: Cyber Security is *top* Priority. Cyber Czar TBA. appears that President Obama has been reading my blog...

O.K. I made that part up, but it was pretty exciting to watch his speech today on cyber security (..not sure when I turned into a total nerd).

The whole speech I was just saying to myself "ADRMS would prevent that...ADRMS would prevent that...ADRMS can do that...ADRMS would cover that", and even a few "Forefront Security would prevent that". Heck they'd solve 90% of their problems if they went and visited, or

I wonder who the new 'Cyber Czar' will be. I don't know that I'd like to have that job. You've got 10,000,000 hackers that will attack you non-stop to make a point. In fact, I'd be willing to gamble that shortly after the announcement, you'll see something like "Cyber Czars e-mail hacked" in the news.  I'd almost be willing to gamble that the hacker community will know who the new Czar is, before the new Czar does. (Unless of course they are already using ADRMS..then the odds are in favor of the Czar.). <g>

So my tip for the day to the president and his staff. Make sure you secure all of your e-mails and data regarding this announcement with ADRMS (you should be doing it for everything anyways), and make sure the people exchanging this data are using secure systems with good passphrases and/or secure smart cards. You *really* don't want the hacker community announcing things related to your cyber security plans before you do. That would be a BAD THING®.  There is even a few ADRMS solutions for your blackberry, although you really need to start thinking about getting yourself a Windows Mobile phone.

Gimme a call...I might know some people that can hook you up. ;)
