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Migrating a Java Spring Framework Application to Windows Azure

We have just published a new tutorial and sample code to illustrate many of the Windows Azure Java-related technologies in action. In this guide, we provide a step-by-step tutorial that shows how to migrate a Java Spring Framework application (the PetClinic sample application) to the Windows Azure Cloud. The code that accompanies this document is also published on GitHub. We encourage Java developers to download and explore this new sample and tutorial.

Windows Azure Cloud Services (PaaS) or Windows Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS)?

Fundamentally, there are two different ways to run an application layer, such as a Web site, on Windows Azure. The first is via Platform as a Service (PaaS) via Azure Cloud Services. The second is via Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) via Windows Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). 

Spring Framework on the Windows Azure Platform  

Spring Framework’s recently updated PetClinic sample was chosen for this new guide because it is a familiar vehicle for demonstrating several enterprise technologies that are used to create scalable Java EE applications such as Spring Data JPA, MVC, AOP, JMX, EhCache, and Logback. We will be extending PetClinic by injecting transient fault handling and Memcached on Azure Cache via AOP.

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