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An Ode to Interop

Pat’s obsession has caught up with me as well…My daughter was singing this all the time after we visited Disneyland...


nspired by 'Small World' song of Disneyland


It's a small world after all

Hence we should Inter...op

It's a small world after all

Make sure we can interop


(IBM Interop)

It's a world of CICS and a world of queues

It is a world of Bigs and a world of blues

We can screen scrap you; to get to guts of you

So that we can Inter…op


(It's a small world after all…)


(Apps interop)

It's a world of Apps and a world of Silver bullets

It's a world of COTS and world of stove pipes

Wrap with services; talk with adapters

So that we can inter…op


(It's a small world after all…)


(J2 Inteorp)

It's a world of objects and world of messages

It's a world of Transaction and world of resources

There is so much we share; that we should be aware

That we should inter…op


(It's a small world after all…)


You can extend this with (DB Inteorp), (Directory interop) etc. Very extensible song :)