DSCEA has been released - Introducing exciting new updates to Start-DSCEAscan
DSCEA has been released
Details on this release are listed below:
- Introduced exciting new updates to Start-DSCEAscan
- Automatic copying of any custom resources needed for a scan from the management system to the remote endpoints being scanned
- Thank you to Anthony Watherston for adding this capability to DSCEA!
- Added a new Path parameter, which allows Start-DSCEAscan to take in a folder path containing machine specific MOF files to allow for a scan of those systems against unique per system settings
- Automatic copying of any custom resources needed for a scan from the management system to the remote endpoints being scanned
- Added additional config examples
- Config that uses non built-in DSC resources
- Config that showcases using the DSC script resource
- Thank you to Patrick Mercier for your contributions and feedback on this!
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where errors were thrown when running Import-Module DSCEA
- Thank you to Melissa Januszko for pointing this out!
- Fixed quote character issue when running Get-Help Start-DSCEAscan
- Fixed issue where errors were thrown when running Import-Module DSCEA
- Documentation updates
- Clarified instructions on Report Generation with Power BI page
- Thank you to Zachary Alexander for updating this page!
- Clarified instructions on PowerShell Gallery - Offline Install page
- Added page - Convert DSCEA scan result to CSV
- Added page - DSCEA Functions Reference
- Clarified instructions on Report Generation with Power BI page
https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/DSCEA https://github.com/Microsoft/DSCEA https://microsoft.github.io/DSCEA