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Technology Radar from ThoughtWorks

ThoughtWorks is one the best consult and technology
company.  The technology radar document describe the trend  in term
of platform, tools,  techniques and language/framework.   This
issue has some talk about testing,  bigdata,  deployment which might
relevant to us.  I think it might be good for we keep up to date about the
trend in the industry. 

"Here are the trends highlighted in this edition:  

  • Mobile
    - As mobile is rapidly becoming

         the primary way that people access the internet, this needs to be factored
         in to new enterprise application strategy, product strategy and
         implementation - from "mobile first" design all the way through
         to a new breed of testing tools.
  • Accessible
    - Big Data does not have to

         equal Big Budgets. A combination of open-source tooling and cloud-based
         infrastructure provides a more readily accessible analytics and
         visualization approach.
  • Simple
    - Simple continues to gain

         traction, including both techniques for building and composing
         applications, as well as infrastructure-based techniques to enable simple
         deployment, failover and recover.
  • Reproducible
    - Tools supporting the

         standardization, set-up automation and coordinated management of
         development, test and production environments for both internally hosted
         and public cloud environments feature prominently in this edition of the
  • Data persistence done right - As NoSQL databases are maturing and gaining acceptance, an
         understanding of the patterns for use (and abuse) becomes imperative. "

