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Readings on Service Architect DevOps and Automation

Service Architect

Avleen Vig presents some of the most unexpected, confusing, hilarious and face-palming events during Etsy's outages to show what can be
learnt from their problems to build more resilient systems.

Sangeeta Narayanan goes over how Netflix got to the current continuous delivery state, the lessons they learnt and the successes they
enjoyed along the way.  

Wesley Chow presents Chartbeat's real-time analytics platform and how able to handle the requests in a cost efficient manner using a custom
written analytics engine in C and Lua. He also talks about numerical problems  that arise from scale, and some algorithmic challenges and solutions
encountered while measuring tens of billions of engaged minutes every

Pieter Hintjens explains the basic techniques for building very large distributed systems using fast asynchronous messaging in general, and
ZeroMQ specifically. 

Matt West explains how to use technologies like CloudStack, Beanstalk, Gearman, mod_gearman, Nagios, nagconf and other tools to monitor
large web applications at scale deployed in the zCloud.

Jeremy Cloud discusses SOA at Twitter, approaches taken for maintaining high levels of concurrency, and briefly touches on some functional
design patterns used to manage code complexity.

Jeremy Edberg discusses how Netflix designs their systems and deployment processes to help the service survive both catastrophic events like
zone and regional outages and less catastrophic events like network latency and random instance death.

Or Arbel discusses how Yo's platform enables developers and users to communicate using push notifications.

Ari Grant discusses how Facebook is iterating its mobile products, continuing to increase the richness of the content and speed at which it is

The authors discuss about the lessons learned from all the biggest sites on the internet about how to build scalable and resilient architectures.

DevOps and Automation

Robert Benefield offers a pragmatic overview for discovering operational indicators that provide valuable insight in running and improving
online services.

In this eMag we share real war stories from organizations that have adapted and evolved towards their own DevOps culture. The successes and
the failures. The breakthroughs and the steps backwards. The technical advancements and the people changes.

Paul Stack discusses using PowerShell and Puppet to administer Windows machines, showing how to configure a Windows server and set up a
development environment in short time.

In the first chapter of the book "Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef, 2nd Edition",Stephen Nelson-Smith discusses the philosophy behind Test-Driven
Infrastructure. He lists two fundamental philosophical points:

  1. Infrastructure can and should be treated as code
  2. Infrastructure developers should adhere to the same principles of professionalism as other software developers.

Then, he dives deeper into each of them….

In this eMag, we curated a series of articles that look at automation in the cloud and management at scale. We spoke with leading
practitioners who have practical, hands-on experience building efficient scalable solutions that run successfully in the cloud. 

Jeff Lindsay is the author of Dokku and many Docker related OSS projects. He is the co-founder and principal of Glider Labs, a devops
consultancy specializing in modern, Docker-oriented system architectures. He was involved in the early stages of Docker development, and has worked with
many other organizations such as Twilio, Digital Ocean, NASA Ames on distributed systems and developer platforms.a