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Windows 10 Software and product keys- Where to download them?

Partners with a Microsoft competency or Action Pack subscription can access their Windows 10 Enterprise software and product key for internal-use from the Partner Digital Distribution Portal. For development, testing, and evaluation purposes, partners can access software and keys with the Visual Studio Online subscription that they are granted as a program benefit. (These include the Pro and Home editions.) Access is limited to end users assigned to the Visual Studio Online subscription.


Note: Internal-use licenses for Windows 10 Enterprise are available as an upgrade only.

Note: The Software Download privilege is required to download software from the Digital Distribution Portal and the View Keys privilege is required to view the product.

To access Visual Studio subscriber downloads, the Premium Subscriptions privilege is required for partners with a competency and the Technical Contact role is required for partners with an Action Pack subscription.

Note: Partners cannot use either existing Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 product keys to perform an in-place upgrade. Instead, a new key must be obtained from the Partner Digital Distribution Portal.


Partner Digital Distribution Portal

Visual Studio Online download site