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PhotoShelter Rescues Stranded DRR Passengers

by Jeff Greene /




PhotoShelter is offering a rescue package for Digital Railroad customers who wish to transfer their images from their existing DRR archive to a PhotoShelter Personal Archive 2.0.


According to PhotoShelter, the following terms apply:
- Sign up for a PhotoShelter Personal Archive 2.0 account
- Provide proof of your DRR membership
- PhotoShelter will then credit your account with an additional 3-months free service
- PhotoShelter will provide FTP instructions on how to transfer your archive -


The PhotoShelter's Personal Archive service includes (from their website):


Bulletproof storage — add more storage as needed

Create a website in 30 seconds with simple templates!

Or, integrate our gallery, search, e-commerce and security features with your own website.

Increase your exposure: Embed your images, galleries & slideshows anywhere online

Export images via FTP

Sell automated or self-fulfilled prints

Automated rights-managed sales powered by fotoQuote®

License royalty free, or personal use downloads

Create a free Virtual Agency to market your work with other photographers

No sales activation fees

No account set-up fee


Complete details here



John Harrington’s Photo Business News & Forum blog has reported on the issues facing Digital Railroad for weeks and has offered a complete set of instructions for transferring their collections from DRR to PhotoShelter's Personal Archive service.
