The New Microsoft Surface
The new Microsoft Surface was unveiled on Wednesday at CES 2011. We just launched our brand new Microsoft Surface web site. There you’ll learn about the Surface experience and get a look at the Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface. More information will be coming over time, so check back with and the blog to stay up to date with the latest news.
[Video: The Microsoft Surface 2.0 Experience]
- Eric (follow Surface on Twitter and Facebook)
January 05, 2011
Looks like a great experience! Now to just bring it to consumers & integrate the technology into more devices. And of course getting Samsung to choose a better, and more relevant name than the 'SUR40' - maybe just Surface40, or something that doesn't seem to complexify something simple (the name).Anonymous
January 21, 2011
u are of no importence i am the ruler of the surface you are undr my cmandAnonymous
January 22, 2011
Eggs & Basket come to mind - I hope other manufactuers will soon show a willingness to develop the technology to support this, otherwise its Apple costs all over again...Anonymous
February 01, 2011
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