Microsoft Premier Support (PFE) Latin America
Este Blog está dedicado a todo aquel interesado en tecnología Microsoft, y con deseos de aprender de la experiencia y vivencias de los PFES de Latinoamerica y del grupo de Incubation Support & Services (ISS)
Application Pools Caídos "PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE".
Hola comunidad! Esperando que estén muy bien, paso a contarles que durante esta semana he...
Author: Gonzalo González Date: 02/19/2012
La opción de "Datasheet View" arroja un error en SharePoint 2010
Saludos comunidad de SharePoint, Antes que nada quiero desearles un 2012 exitoso, hoy vamos a...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 02/08/2012
Datasheet view thrown an error in SharePoint 2010
Hi there community, First of all wishing you a successfull 2012, today we'll talk about a known...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 02/08/2012
Has this blog useful?
Hello there,We are closing the year and we would like to know if our job over the PFE LATAM Blog has...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 12/14/2011
Esse blog tem sido útil?
Olá Comunidade,Fechamos o ano e nos interessa saber sobre o que achou do blog. Este post tem...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 12/14/2011
Ha sido éste blog útil?
Saludos comunidadEstamos cerrando el año y nos interesa mucho saber como lo hemos hecho,...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 12/14/2011
Performance - SharePoint 2010 Cache
Hi there SharePoint community,This time let's talk about a particular topic that in my experience is...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 12/01/2011
Performance - Memoria Caché en SharePoint 2010
Saludos comunidad,Esta vez vamos a platicar de un tema que en mi experiencia es poco conocido y que...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 12/01/2011
Undocumented Store Procedures on SQL Server 2008
Introduction Hello, a few days ago I was think that even the high usage that I personally use of the...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 11/24/2011
Stored Procedures No Documentados en SQL Server 2008
IntroducciónHola a todos, hace algunos días reflexionaba que pese al uso común...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 11/24/2011
SQLOS and Memory Management
From SQL Server 2005 the SQLOS was implemented don SQL Server. We can see the SQLOS as a layer used...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 11/03/2011
SQLOS y Manejo de Memoria
A partir de SQL 2005 se implementa SQLOS. Podemos ver a SQLOS como una capa (Modo Usuario) por al...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 11/03/2011
Security Audit on SQL Server 2008
This week while I was working on Bolivia, I overheard the security staff discussing about options...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 10/22/2011
Auditoría de Seguridad en SQL Server 2008
Esta semana mientras trabajaba en Bolivia escuché al personal de seguridad de un cliente...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 10/22/2011
SharePoint 2010 Upgrade and Migration summary
Hey SharePoint community, Once more writting for you a new post about SharePoint 2010 upgrade and...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 10/20/2011
Resumen del proceso de migración de MOSS 2007 a SharePoint Server 2010
Saludos Comunidad, Entregando para ustedes un resumen simple del proceso de migración a...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 10/19/2011
Everyone that Works with SQL Server have needed to move a SQL database from one Instance to another...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 10/07/2011
Todos los que trabajan con SQL Server han necesitado en algún momento, y en mayor o menor...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 10/07/2011
Memory Concepts on Windows
Understanding the Memory concepts on Windows is an important part to note performance problems and...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 09/22/2011
Conceptos de Memoria en Windows
Comprender los conceptos de memoria implementados en Windows es una parte fundamental para...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 09/22/2011
La hora en SharePoint no corresponde con la hora de Windows?
Saludos comunidad, Este post tiene la intención de ayudar a todos aquellos que en sus paises...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 09/19/2011
Linked Server behavior when used on JOIN clauses
Recently, a client had some performance problems with a query that executed a join with a remote...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 09/07/2011
Comportamiento de Linked Servers cuando se utilizan en Joins
Recientemente trabajé en un caso donde un cliente presentaba problemas de desempeño...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 09/07/2011
SQL Server on a Virtualized environment
Hello! Recently there has been a lot of question about Virtualization to the SQL Server PFE Team,...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 08/23/2011
SQL Server en ambientes virtuales
¡Qué tal! recientemente se nos ha estado cuestionando mucho al equipo de PFE’s de...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 08/23/2011
SQL Performance Counters are Missing
There was one time when I was delivering a Service using a tool that gathers performance data...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 08/08/2011
Contadores de SQL en Performance Monitor Perdido
Una vez en un cliente estaba entregando un servicio usando una herramienta que tomaba registros de...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 08/08/2011
Partitioned Tables
On one of my chats with my fellow SQL Server PFE’s, we started talking about objects that have...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/19/2011
Tablas Particionadas
Durante una plática con todos los PFE’s de SQL Server, empezamos a platicar de los...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/19/2011
Configurar Autenticacion Kerberos utilizando nombre virtual CAS
En la mayoría de las ocasiones los administradores de Exchange 2010 deciden implementar...
Author: RobMorales Date: 07/17/2011
TIP: SharePoint PowerShell Mount-SPContentDatabase "creates" databases on SQLServer
Hey there SharePoint Community, Recently I was deliverying the SharePoint 2010 Migration Workshop...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 07/08/2011
TIP: El CMDLet Mount-SPContentDatabase de PowerShell "crea" bases de datos
Saludos Comunidad de SharePoint, Recientemente estuve entregando el Workshop de Migración a...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 07/08/2011
Advantages and Disadvantages on Change Tracking
Some weeks ago a customer asked me for options to Audit a specific situation. I decided to evaluate...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/05/2011
Ventajas y Desventajas de Change Tracking
Hace algunas semanas un cliente me preguntó por opciones para auditar una situación...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/05/2011
Corrupt Pages on SQL Server
While we were drinking caipiriñas on Brazil, the SQL PFE’s were sharing some of our...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 06/29/2011
Paginas Corruptas en SQL Server
Mientras nos tomábamos unas caipiriñas en Brasil, el grupo de PFE de SQL estuvimos...
Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 06/27/2011
SQL Server collation and MOSS 2007
Recently I've worked in some SharePoint RAP's and I've found something which is most common in...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 06/09/2011
Las intercalaciones de SQL Server y MOSS 2007
Recientemente he realizado varios SharePoint RAP's y me he encontrado algo que cada vez es...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 06/06/2011
Hotfix KB979917 affects SharePoint Server 2010
FYI: Pay attention to Windows Server 2008 hotfix KB979917 , this hotfix can be required if you are...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 06/06/2011
HotFix KB979917 afecta a SharePoint 2010
FYI: Pongan mucho cuidado al hotfix KB979917 de sistema operativo (Windows Server 2008) posiblemente...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 06/03/2011
SharePoint Server 2010 Profile Synchronization Service does not start
SharePoint Server 2010 provides like MOSS 2007 an object that allows us to synchronize user profiles...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 05/20/2011
El Servicio de Sincronización de Perfiles en SharePoint 2010 no inicia
SharePoint Server 2010 provee igualmente que en MOSS 2007 de un objeto que permite sincronizar...
Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 05/20/2011
Forefront Client Security - Dimensionamiento bases de datos
Parte de mi trabajo diario, está relacionado a las revisiones pro-activas que realizo a...
Author: humberto molina Date: 05/10/2011
Learn with PFEs – WebCast Series
Hi we’ve released a new service to the comunity, a Series of WebCast where you can learn with...
Author: LuisDG Date: 03/30/2011
¿Qué es un PFE?
PFE acrónimo de Premier Field Engineer (Ingenieros de Soporte Premier) es un rol dentro de la...
Author: VladPoint Date: 09/27/2010
Quem são os Premier Field Engineers?
O serviço de suporte técnico e de atendimento da Microsoft é uma estrutura...
Author: Fabricio Catae Date: 09/23/2010
TechEd Brasil 2010
Esta semana foi realizado o maior evento técnico da Microsoft Brasil: o TechEd. O evento,...
Author: Fabricio Catae Date: 09/17/2010