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Windows Phone 7 & XBox 360 Game Camps in NY

Via Bob Familiar

imageAndrew Parsons, Academic Developer Evangelist for Microsoft based in NY, is holding 2-day events for students where they can learn how to develop their own game for XBox 360 and Windows Phone 7 using XNA. The first will be held in Brooklyn at St. Francis College and the second will be at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY.

Any student from any school is invited to attend these free events. Seating is limited so sign up soon!

XBox360Friday February 4th to Sunday February 6th

St Francis College
180 Remsen Street
Brooklyn Heights, NY

xna_logoRegister here:

Friday February 11th to Sunday February 13th

WindowsPhone7Rochester Institute of Technology
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5603

Register here:


All attendees are encouraged to enter solutions into the Imagine Cup competition. Andrew will have details on Imagine Cup at the Game Camps.