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Congratulations to the Rock Paper Azure Fall 2011 Sweepstakes Winners


It’s Friday night!  That means the Rock Paper Azure Challenge’s Fall 2011 Sweepstakes has drawn to a close and someone has won a $5,000 trip to Cancun, Mexico!  At 6pm EST this evening, we closed the Fall Sweepstakes round to new bot entries.  Then, as per the process detailed in my teammate Jim O’Neil’s post earlier today, the winners were determined.

This series of the Rock Paper Azure Challenge featured two ways to win: Competition & Sweepstakes.  And now, the results of each…

Competition Winners

Each week of the challenge, the top 5 bots in the game were rewarded with $50 Best Buy gift cards, as listed below:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Protist Protist AmpaT AmpaT
choi RockMeister choi porterhouse
FistOfImmortality choi Protist choi
dumpling porterhouse RockMeister benrick
NothingBeatsRock Appsolut porterhouse RockMeister

Congratulations AmpaT, porterhouse, choi, benrick, and RockMeister for winning $50 gift cards in Week #4!

Sweepstakes Winners

Congratulations to the sweepstakes winners listed below (subject to verification) in the order they were drawn.  Winners were drawn using the Random Sequence Generator with a range from 1 to the number of entries in the Fall Sweepstakes leaderboard (162).  Each random number returned was matched to the contestant bot in that “place” on the leaderboard to determine the winner.

Prize Winner Randomly-drawn placement
$5000 (Cancun!) RobZ 120
Acer Aspire S3 laptop mgbizcom 157
Windows Phone choi 4
XBox 360/Kinect fmc 156

Everyone who participated and uploaded a bot during the Fall Sweepstakes will receive the official Rock Paper Azure Challenge t-shirt.

It’s been exciting to manage and watch the competition this past month! If you didn’t get a chance to play Rock Paper Azure during this round, you can always play in our open round for “bragging rights”.  Stay tuned as the Rock Paper Azure Challenge will likely be back again for another iteration in the future.