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Plus d'informations sur Gemini, Kilimanjaro et Madison ?

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Quelques extraits :

  • Kilimanjaro is considered only a minor release of SQL Server. This release will mainly contain Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse (DW) functionality, but there will also be a few SQL Server management features included.
  • There will be no engine changes expected with Kilimanjaro.
  • There will be two key pillars of functionality released with Kilimanjaro. The first pillar is “end user empowerment”. The second pillar is “IT Compliance”.  


  • Gemini allows users to work with very large volumes of information. It will support up to at least 100 million rows if necessary. This is able to happen by exploiting in memory storage.
  • Product Madison comes out of the Microsoft Data Allegro acquisition. It will not be shipped with Kilimanjaro, but instead will be a separate release that will ship in the same timeframe as Kilimanjaro. Project Madison will be taking all the capabilities of SQL Server 2008 and Data Allegro to provide a scaled out implementation for Large Data Warehouses. By scaling out, Project Madison will allow a single query run in parallel against many different SQL Server instances to quickly return a result set.

Plus de détails sur les avancées de Kilimandjaro en termes d'administration multi-serveurs ici :  Kilimanjaro to deliver Application and Multi-server Management

  • 1. Centralized management:

  • 2. Seamless Collaboration: A new application model enables developers to define deployment and capacity policies for their application and bundle these with the database schema as a deployable package. This deployable package helps ensure information doesn’t get lost in translation from developer to DBA, reducing time-consuming deployment trial and errors for DBAs.

  • 3. Manage Efficiently at Scale: Using Policy-Based Management (PBM), ...
