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Want to see interesting demos AND get a free board at TechEd EMEA?

Are you coming to TechEd EMEA? If not then maybe you might consider registering now: not only because of the huge amount of Embedded content we will have there (see previous post) but also because during the Sunday “Windows Embedded 101” session and during the “Only demos” session, we will be giving away free boards to the first attendees in the room and during the session. Her are some details:

- Sunday 16:00-17:15: Windows Embedded 101 session, 35 VIA Artigo boards will be given away to the first 35 attendees in the room.


session code session title level abstract speaker
EMB101-SUN Windows Embedded 101 100 Windows Embedded is a family of products Microsoft provides to devices manufacturers. Tech·Ed presents a track of sessions explaining what the different products of the family are about, how you can leverage your desktop or Web developer skills to develop for embedded, how IT Pros can deploy and manage a fleet of devices, and how you can build the next generation of devices user experience. This introductory session presents the family and gives you the opportunity to understand what you can get from the Windows Embedded track. Olivier Bloch



- Thrusday 17:00-18:15: Windows Embedded Demos Only, 45 ICOP Ebox boards will be given away to the first 45 attendees in the room.

session code session title level abstract speaker
EMB310 Windows Embedded: "Demos only" 300 This demo packed session will present all sorts of devices, tools and technologies used in today and tomorrow's embedded projects. If you want to learn how Windows Embedded can be used to build stunning devices or if you are just a geek, you can't miss this session Olivier Bloch