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SharePoint 2003 Doc Libraries and Icons

I'm caught up in learning all about the next version of Office "12" Server, but it's great to get questions from customers in the pacific northwest in regards to SharePoint of any version.  I know this stuff is available in other places, but if one customer is asking about it, others might find it useful...

To register a file icon for a SharePoint document libnrary, such as for a custom file type, or to modify the icon displayed for a standard file type, modify the entries in the docicons.xml file on each of the SharePoint application servers.

Default location of the DOCICONS.XML file:
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\template\XML

Default location for icon files:
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\template\images

Use 16x16 icon files here.