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Office 365 Technical Support Resources | SharePoint Online & OneDrive for Business

Online Technical Help & Education - SharePoint

Although there is a wide range of published technical information available for SharePoint Online, the table below aims to highlight some of the most useful and informative resources available today. These resources often act as a starting point, referencing related topics that allow you to gain additional technical insight.

The table is created in no specific order; the URL link will take you directly to the resource listed.

SharePoint Online help A variety of topics are covered here. The content covers sites, lists, libraries and permissions in some depth.
SharePoint Online Planning Guide for Office 365 for business We’ve divided the planning process into five manageable steps. With each step, you’ll find helpful resources to guide your decisions and get you better acquainted with SharePoint Online.
SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business: software boundaries and limits This article describes some important limitations that you might need to know for different SharePoint Online plans in Office 365. For example, it provides information about number of supported users, storage quotas, and file-size limits plus several other related topics.
Search limits for SharePoint Online As an admin who manages SharePoint Online (for more information, see SharePoint Online search administration overview), you should also be aware of limits to search.
SharePoint Online videos and tutorials A range of online videos are available from Beginner to Intermediate. They explain various topics from newsfeeds and blogs to lists and document libraries.
Permissions in Office 365 How do permissions affect what users can do or see in Office 365? How are Exchange Online roles and permissions related to SharePoint Online Essentials roles and permissions, where do you assign these roles, and what can users do when they have these roles and permissions? This topic answers these questions and more.
Understanding permission levels (SharePoint Online) This article describes the default permission levels that are included with SharePoint Online.
Introduction to the SharePoint Online Management Shell Information about using the SharePoint Online Management Shell to perform administrative tasks from the command line.
SharePoint Online authentication This article outlines the SharePoint Online authentication process as it works today. It walks through how the scenario works using either your own Identity Provider (IdP) or the default Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) IdP.
Add and edit user profile properties SharePoint Online user profiles include a default set of user properties that are supplied by the Office 365 directory service. Use the SharePoint admin center to add and edit user profile properties and define profile policies to track key information that is not otherwise available.
Manage SharePoint Online user profiles from the SharePoint admin center A user profile is the collection of user properties—and the policies and settings associated with each of those properties—that describe a single user. User profiles are important, because they help people find content that connects them with other people, learn more about each other; and collaborate using social features.
Manage My Site settings for SharePoint Online My Site settings for SharePoint Online Administrators lets you update general settings like search scopes and languages options. My Site websites are personal sites that provide users in your organization with a rich set of social networking and document management features.
Using content delivery networks with SharePoint Online This article describes Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and how you can use them to increase SharePoint Online performance.
Default SharePoint Groups in SharePoint Online The default SharePoint groups are created automatically when you create a site collection. The default groups use SharePoint’s default permission levels – sometimes called SharePoint roles – to grant users rights and access. The permission levels that these groups have represent common levels of access that users have to have. They are a good place to start when you add users to a SharePoint site.
Plan customizations, solutions, and apps for SharePoint Online Branding and customizing SharePoint Online is different than branding and customizing SharePoint Server products. SharePoint Online gets updated with new features on a regular basis and these updates can affect certain types of customizations.
Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint Online This article describes how you can deploy to SharePoint Online without performing traditional load testing since it is not permitted.Although active load testing on SharePoint Online is strongly discouraged, there are other ways you can make sure that a site will not produce a poor user experience when you launch the site.
Manage site collection storage limits SharePoint Online in Office 365 is allocated a quantity of storage that's based on your number of users. The storage is available to all site collections in the tenant and serves as a central pool from which everyone can draw. You, the global admin, don't need to divvy up storage space or reallocate space based on usage.
Introduction to content types and content type publishing Content types enable you to organize, manage, and handle content in a consistent way across your sites. By defining content types for specific kinds of documents or information products, you can ensure that each group of content is managed in a consistent way. This article explains basic concepts about content types, and how content type publishing can be used to share content types across site collections


Online Technical Help & Education - OneDrive for Business

Although there is a wide range of published technical information available for OneDrive for Business, the table below aims to highlight some of the most useful and informative resources available today. These resources often act as a starting point, referencing related topics that allow you to gain additional technical insight.

The table is created in no specific order; the URL link will take you directly to the resource listed.

What is OneDrive for Business? OneDrive for Business is a place where you can store files from your computer into the cloud, and access them from any device, or share them with others. store, sync, and share your work files. The OneDrive Product Group Blog.
OneDrive training OneDrive training. A selection of tutorials and short videos aimed at OneDrive scenarios.
Meet the OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client After a successful preview program, we are happy to report that the first release of the OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is now available for deployment.
Get started with the OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client in Windows The OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client lets you connect and sync files from your OneDrive for Business. You can add a work or school account to the new OneDrive for Business sync client and sync all your files to your computer.
Sync your OneDrive for Business files work with your OneDrive for Business files directly in File Explorer and access them even when you're offline, sync the files to your computer. Whenever you're online, any changes that you or others made will sync.
Video: Sync OneDrive for Business to your computer Sync OneDrive for Business to your computer and then work with your files directly in your file system, even when you’re not online. All updates sync to OneDrive for Business whenever you are online. This video shows you how to sync OneDrive for Business and how to find the synced folder in your File Explorer.
SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business: software boundaries and limits This article describes some important limitations that you might need to know for different SharePoint Online plans in Office 365. For example, it provides information about number of supported users, storage quotas, and file-size limits
Set up OneDrive for Business in Office 365 If you're an Office 365 business user, you already have OneDrive for Business, because it's included with all Office 365 Business plans. There is no setup to use OneDrive for Business unless you want to sync files to your computer or download the OneDrive app for your mobile device.



Support Scenarios, Tools & Articles - SharePoint Online

The table below contains information with a focus on technical support material that illustrates scenarios you may encounter when using SharePoint Online. In addition, the next table contains some of the most popular Knowledge Base articles that help explain specific support issues in detail.

How to: Avoid getting throttled or blocked in SharePoint Online Find out about throttling in SharePoint Online, and learn how to avoid being throttled or blocked. Includes sample CSOM and REST code you can use to make your task easier.
Restore a deleted site collection The Recycle Bin in SharePoint Online in Office 365 for business provides a safety net when an entire site collection is deleted. When a SharePoint Online administrator deletes a site collection, it is placed in the Recycle Bin, where it is kept for 30 days before it is automatically permanently deleted. This article focuses on how a SharePoint Online administrator can restore a deleted site collection.
Diagnosing performance issues with SharePoint Online This article shows you how you can diagnose common issues with your SharePoint Online site using Internet Explorer developer tools.
Tune SharePoint Online performance This article contains links to other articles that tell you how to improve performance of page download times for SharePoint Online.
Fix problems opening documents in SharePoint libraries Sometimes you might have a problem opening Office files in document libraries, including your OneDrive for Business or My Site, especially if you first open them in Office Online. We can help you fix the problem, but first we need to track down why it’s not working for you.
Turn scripting capabilities on or off The ability to customize is one of the most compelling features of SharePoint Online because it enables admins and users to adjust the look, feel, and behavior of sites and pages to meet organizational objectives or individual needs.


Microsoft SharePoint KB Articles Content types from a content-publishing hub are missing on SharePoint Online site collections How to recover missing, deleted or corrupted items in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Search results don't include content that was recently added to a SharePoint Online site collection Changes to the default versioning setting for SharePoint Online document libraries Information about changes to the address that is used to send notification email messages from SharePoint Online Video channels aren’t available in the SharePoint Online Admin Center SharePoint 2013 workflow throttling and performance in SharePoint Online and Project Online Information about dragging files into document libraries in SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Online by using a web browser Document IDs aren't assigned to items in a document library in SharePoint Online How to remove users from SharePoint Online You can't change the default language for a SharePoint Online site collection This article describes the process that occurs for a user profile in Microsoft SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business when a work account or a school account is deleted from Azure Active Directory Sharing invitations from SharePoint Online are delivered to Junk Email or are caught by a spam filter "You do not have an e-mail address" error when you create an alert in SharePoint Online Information about SharePoint 2013 workflow throttling in SharePoint Online and Project Online



Support Scenarios, Tools & Articles - OneDrive for Business

The table below contains information with a focus on technical support material that illustrates scenarios you may encounter when using OneDrive for Business. In addition, the next table contains some of the most popular Knowledge Base articles that help explain specific support issues in detail.

Fix OneDrive for Business sync problems If you can't sync files between your computer and OneDrive for Business, it might be due to problems with the OneDrive for Business sync client. Try the steps in this article to fix the problem.
How user profiles are deleted in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business This article describes the process that occurs for a user profile in Microsoft SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business when a work account or a school account is deleted from Azure Active Directory
Repair sync connections in OneDrive for Business You can fix sync errors you get while you use the OneDrive for Business sync app by choosing View sync problems in the OneDrive for Business menu in the system tray.
Which OneDrive sync client am I using? Depending on the OneDrive for Business accounts or file sources you need to sync, you could use either the existing OneDrive for Business sync client or the new OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client. Or you might need one sync client in particular. This article can help identify the sync clients you have installed, to ensure you have the best ones for your needs.


Microsoft OneDrive KB Articles This article contains information about the restrictions and limitations that apply when you use OneDrive for Business (groove.exe, formerly SkyDrive Pro) to sync SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business or SharePoint 2013 libraries to your computer This article contains information about the restrictions and limitations that apply when you use OneDrive for Business (onedrive.exe) to sync SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business libraries to your computer. Restrictions and limitations when you sync OneDrive for Business files to your computer through OneDrive for Business for Mac preview You can't sync files or folders in SharePoint Online in Office 365, or you receive error messages when you open the files in Office Online A OneDrive for Business file or folder never finishes synchronization “An error occurred while attempting to synchronize this document library” error in OneDrive for Business "There is a problem with your account, please try again later" error when you try to open Office documents from OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online. “Sorry, we can’t perform this action" error when you try to open a document from a OneDrive for Business, OneDrive, or SharePoint site. Can’t synchronize OneDrive for Business files and folders from a local file location other than the default OneDrive for Business path. How to recover missing, deleted or corrupted items in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. This article describes the process that occurs for a user profile in Microsoft SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business when a work account or a school account is deleted from Azure Active Directory. OneDrive for Business stops syncing libraries after you install Office 2016. OneDrive for Business is uninstalled after you upgrade to Office 2016.