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NZ Herald/ Yahoo Daily Deals Delivered via Web Slices in IE8

Recently I have been having a lot of fun building a competition Slice of Kevin intended in part to teach people about Web Slices in New Zealand.

The competition has been very successful and has created a loyal group of users. Since launch 2 months ago we have had 26,843 users of the slice. Each of those users have spent on average 4.1 hrs each engaged inside the web slice over that time.

We also reached out through social media and found that facebook worked as a perfect companion to the Web Slice competition.


The conclusion I have come to is that Web Slices work, when people use them!

My intention is to publish everything we did with the Slice of Kevin campaign once the competition finishes next month but prior to that it got me thinking that there must be other opportunities to create web slices for other kiwi websites.

This got me talking to my friends at hubsta and working with them to build a prototype based on their daily deals API and a nice jQuery slider.

I am happy to say that both the NZ Herald and Yahoo NZ have deployed Daily Deal web slices for their shopping sites.

NZ Herald Shopping image

The hubsta team have done a great job of explaining to the users of the sites what web slices are with prominent buttons.

image  imageimage

And have also published pages to explain Web Slices to their users and providing a button to install them in IE8.

With Dan from Trade Me posting their browser stats in May you can see that IE8 is the most popular browser in New Zealand making up almost a third of all users.


If you would like to investigate how to create Web Slices for you own web site check out my post from last year titled Customising IE8 to Drive Users to Your Website.