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Documentation updates for the PPL (Visual Studio 11 Beta) and Welcome Back to C++

If you follow this blog, I don’t have to remind you that C++ is king when it comes to flexibility, scalability, and performance. If you also follow the evolution of C++, namely C++ 11, you’re also familiar with new language features such as lambda expressions, rvalue references, and auto initializers. But are you also using modern C++ practices such as smart pointers, RAII, and the pimpl idiom?

Read Welcome Back to C++ (Modern C++) to learn more about the C++ language improvements that are implemented in Visual C++11 Beta. And please be sure to share this with your friends and colleagues who need a “welcome back” to C++!

I mention modern C++ partly because the Parallel Patterns Library and the Agents Library promote many modern C++ language patterns. The PPL, in particular, provides an experience that is very similar to the STL. If you’re using the PPL and Visual Studio 11 Beta, be sure to check out some of these updates that we made to the documentation:

Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)

     Describes the new PPL task class, how to create chains of tasks, and how to use when_all and when_any to compose multiple tasks.

Parallel Algorithms

     Describes how to specify the partitioning mechanism that that is used by the common parallel algorithms.

Creating Asynchronous Operations in C++ for Metro style Apps

     Describes how to use the asynchronous programming model to create C++ Windows Runtime components that are callable from other Windows Runtime components, and how to control how asynchronous work is executed.

Cancellation in the PPL

     Describes how to use cancellation tokens to cancel task chains and respond to cancellation.

Exception Handling in the Concurrency Runtime

     Describes how the runtime handles exceptions that are thrown by tasks and their continuations.

We are planning a bunch of documentation improvements for a future release, but we always love to hear your feedback. A great way to provide feedback is by clicking the Rate this topic link that appears at the top of every page on the MSDN Library and tell us how you liked the content, and how we can improve it.

Happy coding!