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What Behaving Stateless really means in Design terms

Nuestro buen Javier Caceres amigo nos comparte su artículo:

What Behaving Stateless really means in Design terms

As a Software Designer or Software Architect willing to upgrade/start a Cloud-based application you may be wondering about what are the most important design considerations to take into account. Well, one of them is behaving stateless.

The stateless behaviour is important because Cloud-Computing means for us (mere human mortals) infinitive computing resources, which is understood as scalability. Whatever platform you choose, you’ll be given the possibility to grow as much as you want, however your application need to behave stateless in order to let the underlying platform adding “transparent” new software instances to the instance pool. Adding a transparent software instance indicates that the working instances can continue working while new computing resources are being added.

Imagine one of your applications. Imagine that suddenly (while end users working on it) new virtual machines get provisioned with software instances and get ready to start processing existing request as well as new ones. Can your application afford that?


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Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)

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