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The Database Paging Design Pattern

Nuestro buen Javier Caceres amigo nos comparte su artículo:

The Database Paging Design Pattern

Whatever kind of software that you work on, for sure you’re you will have some object tables in which ones you store typically the most important data (for example: Orders or Sales records). These tables need to be displayed in many ways and edited. One common way of representing them in C#/ASP.Net it’s by using a DataGridView or the equivalent UI control in other platforms.

Usually most UI-control providers encourage you to rely on them for paging capabilities. The potential issue is that in certain point your data size (or record count) will grow and will pass by the control capacity, degrading the response speed and even raising “time out exceptions” because the control usually fetches the entire data set, stores it to memory and pages it per request.

To keep your response size constant, while favoring your architecture performance and stateless you should implement the data base paging design pattern. Although is classified by the Yahoo! Design pattern library as an UX-pattern, I think that there is a shared responsibility between layers for giving it the UI scope only.


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Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)

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