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Life in Windows: Rumours of "hitting M3" doesn't mean that I have any nasty bruises

As noted in the Seattle PI, Microsoft holds annual employee meeting tomorrow...

If you spot hundreds of buses headed to Safeco Field on Thursday morning, they'll be carrying some of the 23,000 Microsoft employees registered for the company's annual meeting.

I will be attending in one piece, which after the rumours today wasn't quite clear.

Ina Fried noted on her blog that Windows 7 had hit a milestone "according to several Windows enthusiast sites."

"Several sites are reporting that Microsoft has hit the M3 (Milestone 3) stage, with the builds being distributed internally within Microsoft, as well as to some key partners. A Microsoft representative declined to comment beyond what has been said on the company's Engineering Windows 7 blog."

Although I won't comment on our internal business as some are wont to do, I appreciate that Ina spelled out the acronym and say thank you for the concerned IMs and mail received in response to the news (in bold above)...

"Microsoft has hit M3... ouch! I hope you survived that :)"

"I read this morning that you were hit. That wasn't very nice."

Tags: Windows, Windows 7, Microsoft, M3.
