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Start connecting with WPC09 online and let’s see those talents!

image In just a few short months, Worldwide Partner Conference 2009 will be upon us! While some things remain the same (a summer Microsoft convention located where the average daily temperature is 90+ degrees), some things are quite new. For instance, as we all know, one of the great parts of WPC is the ability to connect with peers from all over as well as meet new people who share many of the same interests and business ventures as yourselves.

To kick off some of these connections, the Microsoft Team is happy to announce the WPC09 page up on Facebook, where you can start connecting with people from all over. Whether you are attending WPC09 in person, virtually through Digital WPC, or you want to interact with your peers who are, head on over to the WPC09 page and sign up as a fan, share some pictures, a video, your comments, and more.

If you are up to the challenge, take the next step and put up something creative to share with the group as well! For instance, kudos to Dan Medakovic, VP of the Canadian Chapter of the IAMCP, for posting some original videos up on the site already talking about why you should be joining us in New Orleans this year! Here’s just one of these examples. Great job, Dan, and thanks for sharing!

Come on, I know that there are many, many, many of you out there who have the talents and abilities to get a creative song, video, or something else up there, so let’s see what you’ve got! Bring it to the WPC09 Facebook page and let’s start building up the WPC09 excitement starting today. Plus, be sure to tell your peers about the page and let’s see just how many Microsoft Partners we can reach with this page and get as fans before the actual event in July!

I look forward to seeing you all online and then down in New Orleans for WPC 09!

Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric Ligman
Global Partner Experience Lead
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Group
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