Do we forfeit the licenses we use for the Up-to-date discount?
One question I have received from a few Partners about the Up-to-date discount I have covered in the “Partner Introduction to the NEW Microsoft Open Value Subscription Program” Live Meetings as well as the various Blog posts on this (such as: Yes, you heard right… 50%* off the first year payment! Or What qualifies for the 50%* off Up-To-Date (UTD) discount for Open Value Subscription?) has been, “If our clients take advantage of the Up-to-date discount for their qualifying OEM, Retail Box, or Volume licenses through Open Value Subscription, do they need to forfeit those licenses in order to receive the discount?”
The answer to this question is, “No, the client is not required to forfeit any of the qualifying licenses in order to receive the Up-to-date discount when moving to Open Value Subscription.” For instance, if you have a client with 50 PCs and 25 of those have OEM Office 2003 Professional on them, those 25 OEM Office 2003 Professional licenses would qualify for the Up-to-date discount if the client were to purchase Office Professional + through the Open Value Subscription Program, while the other 25 would not. So you would process the order for 25 Office Pro Plus Up-to-date and 25 Office Pro Plus non-Up-to-date SKUs through Open Value Subscription (remember, the order would need to be company-wide, so it would need to have Qty. 50 total Office Pro Plus licenses on it). ( I have the Office Pro Plus part #s posted in my: Microsoft Office Pro Plus Open Value Subscription Part #s and Prices post).
Once the client places this order, they would be covered for Office Professional Plus across their company through Open Value Subscription. Now, even though they used those 25 OEM Office Professional 2003 licenses to qualify for the Up-to-date discount for their Open Value Subscription agreement, they still own those 25 OEM Office Professional 2003 licenses. They do not need to “turn them in” or forfeit them in any way, even though they were used for the Up-to-date discount.
Thank you and have a wonderful day,
Eric Ligman
Microsoft US Senior Manager
Small Business Community Engagement
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
Technorati Tags: Microsoft,licensing,Open Value Subscription,Software Assurance,Up-to-date discount
May 09, 2008
A question I have been seeing quite a bit lately is, “I have a client that currently owns theirAnonymous
January 12, 2009
On Friday, there was an email thread going around amongst some Partners trying to decipher what an answer