Brewing up a new pot. New “Less than coffee” page launched.
It seems like not that long ago I was posting about the launch of the original “Less Than Coffee” site. Well today is another milestone in the “Less Than Coffee” evolution (or some would call it a revolution). The brand new “Less Than Coffee” page ( is now live and it incorporates many aspects of the comments and feedback we received from several of you here in the Microsoft Small Business Channel Community. The new site:
1) Keeps the same feel with the coffee beans, coffee cup, and simplified messaging
2) Is shorter in length (original page “scrolled forever” as some of you put it) and is organized into simple tabs that still cover the same content
3) Has the direct call to action to find a local Small Business Specialist to help Small Businesses find you, the Microsoft Small Business Specialists, to fulfill their need for the Microsoft Small Business Desktop Advantage offering
4) Still resides outside the domain for that “personal touch”
Plus, coming in September, will be the launch of the official Microsoft branded “Less Than Coffee” page which will reside within the domain. (Another ask of several in the Community) At that point, you will be able to point your clients to either the internal or external “Less Than Coffee” page depending on which your preference is. Also, if you are a US Microsoft Small Business Specialist, in mid to late September, you will be receiving your EXCLUSIVE Microsoft Small Business Desktop Sales Kit that I just finalized creation of yesterday to help you build and drive your Microsoft Small Business Desktop practice. So be sure to watch for this in September if you are a US Microsoft Small Business Specialist!
If you currently sell to and service the IT needs of Small Businesses and are not a Microsoft Small Business Specialist and are wondering how you can receive one of the Microsoft Small Business Desktop Sales Kits I mention above, here is the entire step by step process:
1) Go to: and follow the steps to become a Microsoft Small Business Specialist
2) There is no 2! Since it is an exclusive benefit for Microsoft US Small Business Specialists, just by being a Microsoft US Small Business Specialist you will receive one. So get back to #1 and get started...
And for those of you attending SMB Nation here in Redmond in September, be sure to attend my 1-hour presentation on Sunday (“How to turbo-charge your services & hardware revenue growth with Microsoft licensing”) to learn about even MORE things we’ve got up our sleeves for the Microsoft Small Business Specialists out there this year!
Thank you and have a wonderful day,
Eric Ligman
Microsoft US Senior Manager
Small Business Community Engagement
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
January 18, 2007
Some of you may remember the original “Less than coffee” post where I offered to trade a cup of coffeeAnonymous
May 09, 2007
So I saw this article and had to chuckle a little. Some of you are probably familiar with the “ LessAnonymous
September 28, 2007
Over the years, the "Less Than Coffee" concept has continued to grow in popularity and usesAnonymous
September 28, 2007
Over the years, the "Less Than Coffee" concept has continued to grow in popularity and uses