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SharePoint 2010 Down Under in Australia

Back in December we wrote about how Utilities around the world are using SharePoint for many different applications including managing smart meter deployments, outage management, demand side management programs, plant operations and corporate intranets. You can access the December Blog here.sharepoint

Last week I came across another great example down under in Australia. The Utility is Ausgrid (formerly known as Energy Australia) and they have deployed SharePoint 2010 for their Intranet.  for over 3,000 users and will be moving to 6000 users soon. The Computerworld articled is titled: Ausgrid replaces "useless" intranet with SharePoint 2010 . The new SharePoint system replaced the previous platform which was a combination of a legacy Aptrix Portal and Lotus Notes. It’s a great story and well worth a read. – Jon C. Arnold