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Severn Trent Wins Utility of the Year Award; A Tribute to the Worldwide Water Industry

The water industry never ceases to amaze me. It’s been a sleepy, highly fragmented industry worldwide.

But back in December, when I attended the Utility Week awards in London, I was reminded again of the importance of water and the amazing number of water companies! In the UK alone there’s Anglian Water, Scottish Water, Severn Trent Water, United Utilities, Thames Water, Southern Water, Yorkshire Water, Veolia Water .I am sure I missed one or two in this list!

And, not to be out done by all of those power companies and energy retailers competing in the UK, – Severn Trent Water was named clip_image002Utility of the Year. Please join me in congratulating – although a little belatedly – Severn Trent Water for being named the Utility Week Awards Company of the Year!  

By the way, of all the industry events that I attend worldwide, the Utility Week Awards may be the best in terms of industry information sharing. Many of these events have lots of vendors that outnumber the customers but this one has the entire senior executive community of the utility industry in attendance. It’s truly inspiring in terms of gaining global industry insights from the top brass at electric, gas and water utilities. More than 1,100 people attended this year, to recognize the outstanding achievements of power and utility companies around the world, in a wide variety of categories. – Jon C. Arnold