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Microsoft Partner ESS Makes Data Collection for EH&S More Efficient

Last month Microsoft partner ESS launched Essential Mobile for FEMS, an application that “collects fugitive emissions data wirelessly from a Thermo Scientific thermo vapor analyzer (TVA) via Bluetooth technology for upload into the Essential FEMS™ database for fast, efficient leak detection and repair (LDAR) reporting. It allows users to record leak detection, repair and calibration data and also delivers tagging, retagging and LDAR-related field auditing functionality.”

ESS provides Environmental, Health andclip_image002 Safety (EH&S) and Crisis Management software for enterprise sustainability and what’s notable here is how the company emphasizes that collecting data to comply with regulations can serve bigger operational goals that ultimately can deliver cost savings.

Here’s how ESS’ president says it:

"ESS' new wireless technology software makes EH&S data collection more efficient and affordable. In today's challenging economy, companies are looking for every opportunity to leverage EH&S processes in support of operational excellence. The ability to collect and monitor data across the enterprise is imperative," said Robert Johnson, ESS President and CEO. "Essential Mobile is one more way that ESS transforms EH&S sustainability reporting into a driver for reducing costs and increasing profitability.”

We’ve made this point before – that compliance collection can drive performance – when we noted how American Electric Power’s uses information technology to manage carbon emissions and then integrates this information into its operations.

AEP’s effort implements a compliance system that provides consistent and automated reporting, documents the compliance process, is accessible to all personnel needing access to information and keeps multiple and detailed reporting requirements for compliance in all the regions where AEP operates up to date.

The ESS announcement is similar because Essential Mobile allows utility workers to collect and process information from widely distributed facility locations using handheld mobile devices.  The information is then uploaded via wireless connection to a centralized ESS Essential Suite® platform for environmental compliance management. The staff doesn’t have to return to a stationary PC to perform data collection or download.  - Jon Arnold