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Microsoft Hohm Included in Wall Street Journal Story on Smart Grid

In one of its frequent updates on Smart Grid developments, Monday’s Wall Street Journal story “Stimulus Funds Speed Transformation Toward ‘Smart Grid’” includes mention of home energy management solution, Microsoft Hohm, although the reporters didn’t call it out by its name.

All in all, it’s a decent story on how $4.5 billion in smart grid funding included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is being viewed by companies with component parts for the coming smart energy ecosystem.

Our partner Pcubed is worth mentioning here as they are helping companies navigate the complex application process for federal funding assistance for renewable energy and smart grid projects. They are using the new Microsoft solutions, Stimulus360, to help organizations that allocate and receive ARRA funds to monitor progress, submit reports, and provide intuitive views of the data for different audiences as they work to accomplish their ARRA goals. The situation we all want to avoid is a delay in the implementation of Smart Grid projects once the funding is received because systems are not in place to provide the tracking, compliance and reporting needed. The combination of Pcubed and Stimulus 360 can help avoid the “be careful what you ask for” scenario! – Jon Arnold