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Hohm Usage Gets Boost from CBS News Story, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Microsoft Hohm, the online home energy management software, received a nice review from CNET’s Natalie Del Conte on the CBS News Early Show. The news piece shows how the Goddard family in Sacramento used Hohm to monitor and evaluate the program to help them save money in these difficult economic times. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) offered Hohm to their customer base on November 17 and added to the growing list of utilities who are working with Microsoft to integrate their customers energy usage with Hohm analysis and recommendations for energy savings.


What was interesting about SMUD’s launch of Hohm was its demonstration at its customer service center using its E-House as backdrop. The E-House is an interesting concept and warrants quick mention in this blog.

SMUD’s E-House is located in the lobby of its customer service center and is intended to serve as an educational tool showcasing “the latest and greatest in energy-efficiency techniques and materials in home-building and remodeling.” You can see a picture and description of the E-House by clicking here.

Many utilities in North America and Europe in particular are creating interesting and innovative ways to educate their customers about efficiency, to postpone or diminish the inevitable need to build more expensive generation plants amid ever-increasing electricity demand. SMUD’s E-House and even its’ “SMUD and the environment” Web page are good examples of that effort. And many thanks to SMUD and CBS for helping us get the word out for this money and energy saving software. – Jon C. Arnold