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Enterprise Content Management program fundamentally changes the way Hydro One manages its content and documents

Utilities are faced with many challenges from an information management perspective. We often hear CIOshydroone talk about the tsunami of data that comforts them in the smart Utility age. Stories are common place concerning the uncontrolled information growth; increasing IT costs; numerous disparate content repositories; no single source of truth and the need for a strong focus on compliance and records management.

A great example of how one Utility is dealing with these challenges comes from Hydro One which delivers electricity across the Canadian province of Ontario. Hydro One's goal was to put a governance infrastructure in place – leveraging the strong relationships between OpenText, Microsoft and SAP to help them meet their content management challenges. It’s definitely worth a minute to check out the case study and view the video where Norm Crook, Director, Business IT, at Hydro One talks about the difference this partnership is making. Check it out here. – Jon C. Arnold