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Azure Helps Invensys Create Near Real-Time Energy Pricing Platform for Companies

In my experience Utilities are just beginning to consider how cloud computing might help them in the future and they are looking for example applications and case studies surface show that the cloud can dramatically change the game in the smart energclip_image002y ecosystem.

Consider for example how Microsoft partner Invensys has leveraged Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution, to deploy a smart-grid and smart-metering solution in an industrial setting. The Invensys solution delivers near real-time pricing information downstream from the utility to the manufacturing plant. Prices are automatically updated every time a price change occurs.  Price change information is then incorporated by Invensys metering equipment throughout the plant, which uses Invensys Wonderware manufacturing execution system (MES) software.  The Invensys solution allows companies to make informed decisions around energy optimization.  The Azure platform provides the security, scalability, and flexibility for Invensys to meet the growing demand to optimize energy consumption in disparate customer locations.  See more here in an Invensys video.

We think that as more Utility IT people see and understand how the cloud can advance their technology capabilities they’ll become more comfortable with exploring its application. – Jon C. Arnold