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Azure Automation DSC at PowerShell summit

SUMMARY: Ed Wilson talks about the Azure Automation DSC session he delivered with Joe Levy at the PowerShell Dev/OPS summit.

This week has been incredibly busy. As you have probably noticed, the Operations Management Suite (OMS) team has made several announcements via this blog. In addition, we are presenting a couple sessions at the PowerShell Dev/OPS summit in town ... and if that were not enough ... it has not rained a single day this week in Seattle. In fact, it has been sunny, cool, and downright perfect weather. That makes one want to get out and hike, bike, or trek. Back in Florida, it is already summer.

Anyway, on Monday Joe Levy and I presented on Configuration Management with Azure Automation DSC. The room was packed ... nearly standing room only. Here is a picture that was tweeted during the session from one attendee who was sitting on the floor near the back of the room.

[caption id="attachment_3121" align="alignnone" width="600"]Standing room only at our Azure Automation DSC presentation A view from the floor[/caption]

One of the cool things about presenting with Joe is he is awesome ... a great speaker, as well as truly knowledgeable about OMS. After our session, we were pretty well mobbed with questions ... as well as during the presentation there were lots of questions. This, I take as meaning our topic was spot on, and that there is a lot of interest in what we were covering. I am planning on taking our presentation and turning it into a series of step by step blog postings... so stay tuned for that.

One of the cool things, is that we had custom stickers made up that we handed out. They are pretty awesome, and I have already added them to my laptop. Here is what they look like:

[caption id="attachment_3122" align="alignnone" width="600"]Cool OMS Stickers, including the way cool limited edition monad monkey Cool OMS Stickers, including the way cool limited edition monad monkey[/caption]

So, today at 2:oo in Room 405 I am doing another way cool #MSOMS presentation with my fellow team mate from the OMS team, Eamon O'Reilly. We are talking about using PowerShell as a Service via Azure Automation with OMS. It is a way cool talk that will open some eyes as we solve some real enterprise level scripting problems -- including credentials, variables, files, scheduling and other things that get in the way of clean enterprise level PowerShell scripting.

Again, I will be turning that talk into a series of blog posts as well.

Maybe I should say, that one of the way cool things about this week is getting to meet my new team mates on the Microsoft Operations Management Suite team in real life. We have had lots of Skype calls, but this is the first time to meet in person. it has been and continues to be great fun.

Ed Wilson

Microsoft Operations Management Team


  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2016
    Awesome Keep Calm Sticker ! Love IT
    • Anonymous
      April 07, 2016
      @James Thanks. It is pretty cool. I hope we will have some stickers like this for other conferences / User Groups that we go to.