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TechEd 2006 AU and NZ: Content Release Plans

A few people have emailed me lately asking about their content submissions and whether they were successful - this post is to let you all know about the primary focus areas for the event in our minds and when community submissions will be accepted or rejected.

TechEd 2006 is closely aligned to the product release cycle for this upcoming financal year. The main areas that will be included as a priority are:

At present Ive released the first draft of the track plans which are the US TechEd content cut down to fit the Australian event of 10 tracks and around 16-18 sessions per track. New Zealand will also have 10 tracks but because of venue capacity in SkyCity we can only run 12 sessions maximum per track.

The next stage merges in the community submissions, restack ranks them to the top 18 sessions for AU and then the top 12 for NZ. At this point speakers are included from the US product teams, Microsoft Australia and NZ and the community presenters that are experts in their field.

Watch out for the second draft, in early May if we're on track! At that time we will let anyone who has submit sessions know if they made it or not.

Registration will be out in very early May for AU!