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Windows Phone 7–Developers Rejoice! Developer Tools RTM!


Since the announcement of Windows Phone 7 at MIX this year, the interest in the developer community has been nothing short of AMAZING! The main reason for this is the beauty of the tools available for .NET Developers. This development support for the Windows Phone 7 ecosystem is unparalleled. The power of .NET tools and platform allow developers to really have their applications shine with very little sweat.

We are very happy to announce that the Developer Tools for Windows Phone RTM’d today! Here’s some download links and information you should know about…

Windows Phone Developer Blog (official announcement)

Windows Phone Developer Tools RTM Download (direct)

Release Notes (Always good to read! Smile)

And of course, if you are a new developer who wants to learn about Windows Phone 7, we are putting together a bunch of trainings and free events for you to get ramped up…

Register for an event close to you…

Or get started here:

Windows Phone 7 Advanced Topics – Part 1 (online training)

Windows Phone 7 Advanced Topics – Part 2 (online training)

And here’s the golden nugget from the WP7 blog, ‘For developers to put their apps into the marketplace, opening in early October, you will need to download this version of the tools. Any application built with a previous version of the tools will fail application certification in the Marketplace. When you do submit your application, you can expect it to take about five days to pass or fail certification, though you can check the status of your app submission at any time at the developer portal. For more information on passing certification, please see the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace policies.’

So if you are thinking about submitting those apps, make sure they are built with the latest release of the tools.

Happy coding!

-Mithun Dhar

Technorati Tags: Windows phone,WP7,WP7dev,wp7 dev tools,WP7 tools RTM