Generate Hardware Inventory for Simulated Client with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Client SDK
My colleague Adam has a better series of samples of the Client SDK. You can check these blogs here:
In this blog:, I have shown how to simulate a client in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with Client SDK. Now I will give you the code sample to create hardware inventory for the simulated client.
Send a hardware inventory message is pretty much like send an DDR (Data Discovery Record) message. Let’s first revise how we generate the DDR message:
//step 1: new a message type
ConfigMgrDataDiscoveryRecordMessage ddrMessage = new ConfigMgrDataDiscoveryRecordMessage();
//step 2: assign the client info and signing cert
ddrMessage.SmsId = clientId;
MessageCertificateX509Volatile certificate = new MessageCertificateX509Volatile(File.ReadAllBytes("c:\\MixedModeTestCert.pfx"), "sccm" /* sample cert password */)
ddrMessage.AddCertificateToMessage(certificate, CertificatePurposes.Signing);
ddrMessage.Settings.HostName = MPHostname;
//step 3: fill in the ddr message
ddrMessage.ADSiteName = "MyADSite";
ddrMessage.SiteCode = "PE1";
ddrMessage.DomainName = DomainName;
ddrMessage.NetBiosName = ClientName;
// step 4: send the message to the MP (it's asynchronous so there won't be a reply)
HttpSender sender = new HttpSender();
To generate hardware inventory message is similar, you’ll also need the four step:
- New a message type
- Assign the client info and signing cert
- Fill in the hardware inventory message
- Send the message to MP.
But for hardware inventory message, you’ll need to fill a lot of information in step 3. So the best practice is to fill in the message with an existing hardware inventory message.
Let’s use the following hardware inventory file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<InventoryAction ActionType="Predefined">
<Instance ParentClass="Package" class="Package" Namespace="\\SimulateClient\root\Microsoft\appvirt\client" Content="New">
Refer to the below code go generate hardware inventory from this xml sample. You will need to replace the cert file, SMS GUID, etc:
static void SendFullHinv(Guid ClientUniqueId, string MPHostname, string ClientName, string DomainName)
//step 1: new a message type
ConfigMgrHardwareInventoryMessage tHINVMessage = new ConfigMgrHardwareInventoryMessage();
//step 2: assign the client info and signing cert
tHINVMessage.SmsId = new SmsClientId(ClientUniqueId);
tHINVMessage.Settings.Security.SigningSmsId = new SmsClientId(ClientUniqueId);
MessageCertificateX509Volatile certificate = new MessageCertificateX509Volatile(File.ReadAllBytes("c:\\MixedModeTestCert.pfx"), "sccm" /* sample cert password */);
//generate report header
tHINVMessage.Settings.HostName = MPHostname;
tHINVMessage.NetBiosName = ClientName;
tHINVMessage.ReportType = InventoryReportType.Full;
tHINVMessage.DomainName = DomainName;
tHINVMessage.SiteCode = "PE1";
tHINVMessage.SmsId = new SmsClientId(ClientUniqueId);
tHINVMessage.ClientVersion = new ClientVersion("5.00.7711.0000");
//step 3: fill in the hinv message
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport = new InventoryReport();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader = new InventoryReportHeader();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification = new InventoryIdentification();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine = new InventoryIdentificationMachine();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.ClientInstalled = true;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.ClientType = InventoryClientType.Advanced;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.ClientId = new InventoryClientId(new SmsClientId(ClientUniqueId));
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.ClientVersion = new ClientVersion("5.00.7711.0000");
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.NetBiosName = ClientName;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.CodePage = 437;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Identification.Machine.LocaleId = 1033;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details = new InventoryReportDetails();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details.ReportContent = "Inventory\x0020Data";
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details.ReportType = InventoryReportType.Full;
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details.ReportTimeString = "20120322145729.366000+000";
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details.Version = "2.0";
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Details.Format = "1.0";
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportBody = new InventoryReportBody();
GenerateHinvInstancesFromXml("c:\\Win7A.xml", tHINVMessage);
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport = tHINVMessage.BuildInventoryMessage(tHINVMessage.HardwareInventoryInstances, false);
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Action = new InventoryActionHardwareInventory();
tHINVMessage.InventoryReport.ReportHeader.Action.LastUpdateTime = new DateTime(2012,5,18);
// step 4: send the message to the MP (it's asynchronous so there won't be a reply)
HttpSender sender = new HttpSender();
static void GenerateHinvInstancesFromXml(string fullfilepath, ConfigMgrHardwareInventoryMessage tHINVMessage)
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = xdoc.DocumentElement;
foreach (XmlElement instance in root.GetElementsByTagName("Instance"))
InventoryInstanceGeneric inventoryInstance = new InventoryInstanceGeneric();
inventoryInstance.ParentClass = instance.GetAttribute("ParentClass");
inventoryInstance.Class = instance.GetAttribute("Class");
inventoryInstance.Namespace = instance.GetAttribute("Namespace");
inventoryInstance.Content = instance.GetAttribute("Content");
inventoryInstance.RawXml = instance.InnerXml;
- The highlighted parts are necessary and need to happen at the specific order, otherwise you cannot generate the message correctly.
- Check MP log MP_Hinv.log and site server log dataldr.log for any errors.
July 09, 2012
I had problems using the sample XML until we realized there was a case typo with the Class attribute of the Instance element. class="Package" ...should read... Class="Package"Anonymous
April 27, 2014
MP_HInv reports the following when using this sample HInv Sax: skipping unexpected token at Machine HInv Sax: skipping unexpected token at Machine Any suggestions