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Making Santa accessible in Seattle this weekend

There is a special holiday event taking place in Seattle this Sunday, December 18th from 11am to 3pm. 

image The Microsoft Store in the University Village in Seattle is hosting a visit by a special signing Santa.

The event starts 11am when Santa will arrive with his American Sign Language (ASL) elves handing out gifts and signing a very big Ho-Ho-Ho!

You don’t need to know sign language to come along, there’s an open invitation for everyone, bring the kids and enjoy the fun.  There will be snacks for everyone and the opportunity to play the latest Kinect games.

All the wonderful elves are volunteers from the local nonprofit Hearing Speech and Deafness Center and the Seattle Community College Interpreting School.

The Microsoft Store is located at:  2624 NE University Village Street, Seattle, WA 98105.  You can find directions here.

The event is being sponsored by Microsoft Store and the Microsoft Employee Disability Group.

Microsoft Store