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Heroes of #STEMtember: Science is life with Stefan Weitz

Tara Grumm, online marketing manager, Microsoft Citizenship

I am really excited to bring this Heroes of #STEMtember video blog to you featuring Stefan Weitz (pictured above), a senior director with Bing. What amazes me about Stefan is his ability to not only track the highly competitive world of search engine innovation but maintain a rabid fascination for a plethora of science disciplines.  I follow Stefan’s interests in internet search + science on Twitter and I don’t know anyone who’s as enthusiastic about the Large Hadron Collider, alternative energy, singularity and whatever else the cosmos throws at him. But ultimately, Stefan’s unbridled enthusiasm makes being a geek unbelievably cool and inspiring on a daily basis.

Have you seen our other Heroes of #STEMtember posts?

Heroes of #STEMtember: Sunny science with Meteorologist Shannon O’Donnell

Heroes of #STEMtember: Atari, Math, and Trek dreams turning to reality with Kudo Tsunoda

Editor’s Note: We have declared this month #STEMtember to build awareness of the importance of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Earlier in the month we released some research into how parents and students view STEM education and we’re publishing profiles of people with some of the coolest STEM jobs. Keep an eye on the blog or follow #STEMtember on Twitter, discuss on Facebook, or you can read all this month’s post by clicking on the tag #STEMtember on this blog.