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7th annual Windows Hied Conference 4/4-4/6 - Consider yourself invited

Working in conjunction with Windows-Hied listsrv representatives, Microsoft Education is pleased to host the 7th Windows Hied Conference at the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, WA, April 4th - 6th, 2011.

Conference Goals

As has always been the case for this event, it is NOT a sales or marketing event. Attendees generally have deep technical background in both Microsoft as well as UNIX/Linux operating systems. Presentation responsibilities are being split by Microsoft and customer attendees and focus the following primary goals:
· Provide highly relevant product and solution discussion as well as tips and tricks for better evaluating, deploying, integrating, administering, supporting and simplifying Microsoft solutions in the higher education environment
· Illicit product input and feedback to ensure product teams understand the needs of the HED customer base
· Learn of unique challenges and successes of Microsoft product deployment from customer presentation sessions
· Provide an informal venue to discuss additional issues and topics
· Increase the trust and confidence of customer attendees in deploying and supporting Microsoft solutions
· Provide Microsoft product teams an opportunity to talk to a focused and strategic group of knowledgeable HED customers

Event Logistics
· Dates: April 4th- 6th 2011
· Location: Microsoft Campus, Redmond
· Presentations: Mix of Microsoft and customer presentations: 300-400 level technical drill down (~60-90 min each)
· Customer Attendees: ~100
· Conference HotelRedmond Marriott Town Center - For reservations please call Reservations toll free at 800-228-9290 and ask for the Microsoft WinHED Conference Room Block Cost $167
· Agenda isunder development but you can see the progress at the conference wiki located here
· Registration Page located Here