DIY Dynamics Launch Announcement
Microsoft Dynamics Operations is delighted to announce the launch of DIY Dynamics, on-demand, Do-It-Yourself Operational Partner trainings! Taking the feedback from you, the Partner, we have put together a library of videos on programs, policies, and how to demonstrations you can consume at your convenience.
Our DIY Dynamics debut videos are as follows:
- CRM Training Guide
- How Partners us the LKC tool in VOICE (2 videos)
- How to add a Professional to your VOICE account.
- Using the NAV & GP Price List
- Readiness Transformation Project
- How to Calculate Lapse Fees on Enhancement Plans
- Enrolling and Renewing Your MPN Cloud Essentials
- Intro to VOICE (CRM)
- Renew Your Microsoft Partner Network Competency
- How to Open a Service Request
We value your feedback! This library is intended to be an expanding resource based on your needs. Please visit the PartnerSource content library and send us feedback or content requests specific to the DIY Dynamics PartnerSource content library to
You can find the DIY Dynamics PartnerSource content library on PartnerSource or by clicking here.