The Most Complex SAL annotation
While working on "Writing Secure Code for Windows Vista" I spent a good deal of time spelunking the new crypto stuff, CNG.
One of the APIs is BCryptResolveProviders, and the last argument is pretty complex:
- If you pass NULL, it fails and tells you the amount of space required.
- If you pass a pointer to NULL it allocates the space for you.
- If you pass a pointer to a buffer it tries to use that space.
In my opinion, this really should have been a couple of function calls, rather than one, I'm not a fan of functions with complex arguments. But that's just me.
But this got me thinking, if this is a new API, and the we're using SAL all over the place, then this argument must be annotated, right? Indeed it is. I open up bcrypt.h, and here is the function prototype, including SAL annotations.
__in_opt LPCWSTR pszContext,
__in_opt ULONG dwInterface,
__in_opt LPCWSTR pszFunction,
__in_opt LPCWSTR pszProvider,
__in ULONG dwMode,
__in ULONG dwFlags,
__inout ULONG* pcbBuffer,
__deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt(*pcbBuffer, *pcbBuffer) PCRYPT_PROVIDER_REFS *ppBuffer);
I had one of the SAL architects review it, and it's correct!
June 19, 2007
/* null-terminated / typedef LPCTSTR identifier; / a moniker is a sequence of identifiers starting from moniker[0] ending with moniker[01] moniker[01] - moniker[0] is the number of identifiers in the accessor */ typedef identifier *accessor[02]; What if you need an annotation for the following argument: int do_compare(accessor *a[02]); or rather, replacing an array with a pointer: int do_compare(LPCTSTR **a[02])? Would it be __in_ecount(02) __deref_in_ecount(02) __deref_deref_in_ecount(a[i][01] - *a[i]) __deref_deref_deref_in_z? Is the last annotation unnecessary because it is already included in the typedef for LPCTSTR?Anonymous
June 22, 2007
You're dang right it is correct. CNG Programmers are Ninjas, respect them.Anonymous
June 25, 2007
a {color : #0033CC;} a:link {color: #0033CC;} a:visited.local {color: #0033CC;} a:visited {color : #800080;}Anonymous
June 25, 2007
I'm so proud I'm actually blushing ;)Anonymous
August 08, 2007
Now if only the API actually worked correctly :)