How to track Message in Exchange 2003/2007/2010
Message tracking versions
· Exchange 2003
o Structure is different, still csv but fields are not compatible to Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2010
o Message tracking will stop at last Exchange 2003 Server.
· Exchange 2007
o Message tracking from 2003/2010 will stop. Exchange 2007 tracking will only track on 2007 servers. The tracking fields are different.
· Exchange 2010
o Message tracking from 2003/2007 will stop. Exchange 2010 tracking will only be track on 2010 servers…the tracking fields are different.
Exchange Tracking logs fields / events
Exchange 2003 *See Appendix I
Exchange 2007 *See Appendix II
Exchange 2010 *See Appendix III
· This is really a reference to Exchange 2007 since the Exchange 2010 is NOT updated note there are some differences.
How to Track a Message via PowerShell effectively
So the best way to track a message is via its Message ID. You can retrieve this from the NDR or you can Search by the Sender / Recipient but note this will get all messages that recipient received or sender sent.
Now here is an issue with Exchange 2010 / Outlook 2010, the message in the Sent Item does not have a Message ID as that is assigned once its hits the Hub. L
So find the Message ID you need the Sender and Recipient Addresses and Subject and or Time will be Nice if they are sending a lot of messages between them…
1. Try with Sender/Recipient/Subject and Time (Give yourself a pretty good range). Now what the GUI does for you is filter on the Receive Event, but you can do it this way as well. Be careful of or event orders…you should sort by TimeStamp as this to the powershel. “|sort –Property TimeStamp” before any “|Fl”
Get-MessageTrackingLog –Sender “” –Recipients “” -MessageSubject “Subject of Message” -Start "3/28/2011 8:00AM"
-End "3/28/2011 5:00PM"
NOW be careful! In this example this is a Single Message caught. That will not always be the case.
2. Next, you Add the | FL Sender, Recipients, MessageSubject, MessageId
Get-MessageTrackingLog –Sender “” –Recipients “” -MessageSubject “Subject of Message” -Start "3/28/2011 8:00AM"
-End "3/28/2011 5:00PM" | FL Sender, Recipients, MessageSubject, MessageId
Now look at the MessageID and then we will track the message via MessageID. This is the BEST way to track a message.
3. Now, add the –MessageID “MessageID” and change the |FL * (this gets all fields)
Get-MessageTrackingLog –Sender “” –Recipients “” -MessageSubject “Subject of Message” -Start "3/28/2011 8:00AM"
-End "3/28/2011 5:00PM" –MessageID “MessageID” | FL *
Hint: PSComputerName is the top of each entry.
4. Ok, now that we got this what does it mean?
a. Since ClientHostName and ServerHostName that is telling me the message was sent from this server to itself. (this was down with a Powershell SMTP Send Script). So typically the ClientHostName will be the Remote Server Submitting the message.
b. Since Source is SMTP, and the Event is Receive. That means the ClientHostName Submitted the message via SMTP to the ServerHostName.
c. EventData I can also tell this was the First hop in the Org.
d. Ok, I receive it what next…
e. Notice the ClientHostName and the ServerHost name are not changed. Client is not the CAS server and the Server is the Mailbox Role Server
f. Since the Source is StoreDriver and Event is Delivery, the message was submitted to the store.
First PowerShell Output….
[PS] C:\>Get-MessageTrackingLog -Sender -Recipients -MessageSubject "Origins of Legislation" -Start "4/19/2011 4:43:30 PM" -End "4/19/2011 4:50:30 PM" -MessageID "" |fl *
PSComputerName :
RunspaceId : a241bdf5-c2c6-4c99-8e5a-b395faa5e67a
Timestamp : 4/19/2011 4:45:30 PM
ClientIp : fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
ClientHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
ServerIp : fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
ServerHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
SourceContext : 08CDCCED60881B31;2011-04-19T21:45:30.419Z;0
ConnectorId : LAB-E2K10CSHT01\Default LAB-E2K10CSHT01
Source : SMTP
InternalMessageId : 270
MessageId : <>
Recipients : {}
RecipientStatus : {}
TotalBytes : 4146
RecipientCount : 1
RelatedRecipientAddress :
Reference :
MessageSubject : Origins of Legislation
Sender :
ReturnPath :
MessageInfo : 0aI: NTS:
MessageLatency :
MessageLatencyType : None
EventData : {[FirstForestHop,]}
PSComputerName :
RunspaceId : a241bdf5-c2c6-4c99-8e5a-b395faa5e67a
Timestamp : 4/19/2011 4:45:30 PM
ClientIp :
ClientHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
ServerIp :
ServerHostname : LAB-E2K10MBX02
SourceContext : 08CDCCED60881B32;2011-04-19T21:45:30.575Z;0
ConnectorId :
InternalMessageId : 270
MessageId : <>
Recipients : {}
RecipientStatus : {}
TotalBytes : 4318
RecipientCount : 1
RelatedRecipientAddress :
Reference :
MessageSubject : Origins of Legislation
Sender :
ReturnPath :
MessageInfo : 2011-04-19T21:45:30.450Z;
MessageLatency : 00:00:00.2970000
MessageLatencyType : EndToEnd
EventData : {[MailboxDatabaseName, e2k10db01]}
Same Example Pulled from Excel to Compare Fields
date-time 2011-04-19T21:45:30.560Z
client-ip fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
client-hostname LAB-E2k10CSHT01
server-ip fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
server-hostname LAB-E2k10CSHT01
source-context 08CDCCED60881B31;2011-04-19T21:45:30.419Z;0
connector-id LAB-E2K10CSHT01\Default LAB-E2K10CSHT01
source SMTP
event-id RECEIVE
internal-message-id 270
message-id <>
total-bytes 4146
recipient-count 1
message-subject Origins of Legislation
message-info 0aI: NTS:
directionality Originating
original-client-ip fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
original-server-ip fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13
date-time 2011-04-19T21:45:30.747Z
client-hostname LAB-E2k10CSHT01
server-hostname LAB-E2K10MBX02
source-context 08CDCCED60881B32;2011-04-19T21:45:30.575Z;0
event-id DELIVER
internal-message-id 270
message-id <>
total-bytes 4318
recipient-count 1
message-subject Origins of Legislation
message-info 2011-04-19T21:45:30.450Z;
directionality Originating
custom-data S:MailboxDatabaseName=e2k10db01
Compare table: Green only from Logs, Blue only from PwShell
PWShell |
Logs |
Actual Data |
Timestamp |
date-time |
2011-04-19T21:45:30.560Z |
ClientIp |
client-ip |
fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13 |
ClientHostname |
client-hostname |
LAB-E2k10CSHT01 |
ServerIp |
server-ip |
fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13 |
ServerHostname |
server-hostname |
LAB-E2k10CSHT01 |
SourceContext |
source-context |
08CDCCED60881B31;2011-04-19T21:45:30.419Z;0 |
ConnectorId |
connector-id |
LAB-E2K10CSHT01\Default LAB-E2K10CSHT01 |
Source |
source |
EventId |
event-id |
InternalMessageId |
internal-message-id |
270 |
MessageId |
message-id |
<> |
Recipients |
recipient-address | |
RecipientStatus |
recipient-status |
{} |
TotalBytes |
total-bytes |
4146 |
RecipientCount |
recipient-count |
1 |
RelatedRecipientAddress |
related-recipient-address |
Reference |
reference |
MessageSubject |
message-subject |
Origins of Legislation |
Sender |
sender-address | |
ReturnPath |
return-path | |
MessageInfo |
message-info |
0aI: NTS: |
directionality |
Originating |
tenant-id |
original-client-ip |
fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13 |
original-server-ip |
fe80::89dc:2ad8:e3b:c03%13 |
custom-data |
MessageLatency |
MessageLatencyType |
None |
EventData |
{[FirstForestHop,]} |
Advanced PowerShell Examples
Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $true} | Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageId "<messageid>" | Select-Object <commaseparatedfieldnames> | Sort-Object -Property <field>
Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $true} | Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageId "" | Select-Object Timestamp,ServerHostname,ClientHostname,Source,EventId,Recipients | Sort-Object -Property Timestamp
What does this do? It searches every Exchange Server (Hub and Mailbox) for the Message ID listed, selects specific attributes and then Sorts them…
In this case, it dumps out the Timestamp,ServerHostname,ClientHostname,Source,EventId,Recipients in a nice easy to read format…
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $true}
| Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageId "" | Select-Ob
ject Timestamp,ServerHostname,ClientHostname,Source,EventId,Recipients | Sort-Object -Property Timestamp
Timestamp : 4/19/2011 4:45:30 PM
ServerHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
ClientHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
Source : SMTP
Recipients : {}
Timestamp : 4/19/2011 4:45:30 PM
ServerHostname : LAB-E2K10MBX02
ClientHostname : LAB-E2k10CSHT01
Recipients : {}
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>
Using ConvertTo-MessageLatency.ps1 with Get-MessageTrackingLog!
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageId "1cd4eba2-d158-4ea1-81a7-4" | .\ConvertTo-MessageLatency.ps1
InternalMessageId : 270
MessageId : <>
MessageLatency : 00:00:00.2970000
MessageLatencyType : EndToEnd
ComponentServerFqdn :
ComponentCode : TOTAL
ComponentName : Total Server Latency
ComponentLatency : 00:00:00
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>
Appendix I
Exchange 2003
Field number |
Field name |
Description |
1 |
Date |
Date of the event. |
2 |
Time |
Greenwich mean time of the event. |
3 |
Client-IP |
IP of connecting client. |
4 |
Client-hostname |
Hostname of connecting client. |
5 |
Partner-name |
Name of the messaging service that the message is handed off to. In Exchange 2000, the service can be: SMTP, X400, MAPI, IMAP4, POP3, STORE. This is essentially the same as Exchange Server 5.5, but in Exchange 2000, there are more possibilities for this field. |
6 |
Server-hostname |
Hostname of the server that is making the log entry. |
7 |
Server-IP |
IP of the server that is making the log entry. |
8 |
Recipient-address |
Message recipient (SMTP or X.400 address). |
9 |
Event-ID |
Integer corresponding to the Event ID of the action logged, for example: sent, received, delete, retrieve. |
10 |
Message ID. |
11 |
Priority |
The priority is represented by -1 if low, 0 if normal, 1 if high |
12 |
Recipient-Report-Status |
A number representing the result of an attempt to deliver a report to the recipient: 0 if delivered, 1 if not delivered. This is used only for reports (non-delivery reports [NDRs], delivery receipts [DRs]). On other events, it is blank. |
13 |
Total-bytes |
Message size (in bytes). |
14 |
Number-recipients |
Total number of recipients. |
15 |
Origination-time |
Delivery time (in seconds) representing the time it takes to deliver the message. Determined from the difference between the timestamp and time encoded in Message ID. Only valid for messages within the Exchange organization (all versions); there is no requirement to decode other product message IDs such as Sendmail, and so on. |
16 |
Encryption |
For the primary body part: 0 if no encryption, 1 if signed only, 2 if encrypted. This is per message, not per recipient. |
17 |
Service-version |
Version of the service making the log entry. |
18 |
Linked-MSGID |
If there is a MSG ID from another service, it is given here to link the message across services. |
19 |
Message-subject |
The subject of the message, truncated to 256 bytes. |
20 |
Sender-address |
Primary address of the originating mailbox, if known. This could be SMTP, X.400, or Distinguished Name (DN), depending on transport |
Event-ID in Field 9:
Event Number |
Event Type |
Description |
0 |
Message transfer in |
The message was received from a server, a connector, or a gateway. |
1 |
Probe transfer in |
An X.400 probe was received from a gateway, a link, or a message transfer agent (MTA). |
2 |
Report transfer in |
A delivery receipt or a non-delivery report (NDR) was received from a server, a connector, or a gateway. |
4 |
Message submission |
The message was sent by the client. |
5 |
Probe submission |
An X.400 probe was received from a user. |
6 |
Probe transfer out |
An X.400 probe was sent to a gateway, a link, or an MTA. |
7 |
Message transfer out |
The message was sent to a server, a connector, or a gateway. |
8 |
Report transfer out |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was sent to a server, a connector, or a gateway. |
9 |
Message delivered |
The message was delivered to a mailbox or a public folder. |
10 |
Report delivered |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was delivered to a mailbox. |
18 |
StartAssocByMTSUser |
23 |
ReleaseAssocByMTSUse |
28 |
Message redirected |
The message was sent to mailboxes other than the mailboxes of the recipients. |
29 |
Message rerouted |
The message was routed to an alternative path. |
31 |
Downgrading |
An X.400 message was downgraded to 1984 format before relay. |
33 |
Report absorption |
The number of delivery receipts or of NDRs exceeded a threshold and the reports were deleted. |
34 |
Report generation |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was created. |
43 |
Unroutable report discarded |
A delivery receipt or an NDR could not be routed and was deleted from the queue. |
50 |
Gateway deleted message |
The administrator deleted an X.400 message that was queued for a gateway. |
51 |
Gateway deleted probe |
The administrator deleted an X.400 probe that was queued for a gateway. |
52 |
Gateway deleted report |
The administrator deleted an X.400 report that was queued for a gateway. |
1000 |
Local delivery |
The sender and the recipient are on the same server. |
1001 |
Backbone transfer in |
Mail was received from another MAPI system across a connector or across a gateway. |
1002 |
Backbone transfer out |
Mail was sent to another MAPI system across a connector or across a gateway. |
1003 |
Gateway transfer out |
The message was sent through a gateway. |
1004 |
Gateway transfer in |
The message was received from a gateway. |
1005 |
Gateway report transfer in |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was received from a gateway. |
1006 |
Gateway report transfer out |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was sent through a gateway. |
1007 |
Gateway report generation |
A gateway generated an NDR for a message. |
1010 |
SMTP queued outbound |
Outgoing mail was queued for delivery by the Internet Mail Service. |
1011 |
SMTP transferred outbound |
Outgoing mail was transferred to an Internet recipient. |
1012 |
SMTP received inbound |
Incoming mail was received from by the Internet Mail Service. |
1013 |
SMTP transferred |
Incoming mail that was received by the Internet Mail Service was transferred to the information store. |
1014 |
SMTP message rerouted |
An Internet message is being rerouted or forwarded to the correct location. |
1015 |
SMTP report transferred In |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was received by the Internet Mail Service |
1016 |
SMTP report transferred out |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was sent to the Internet Mail Service. |
1017 |
SMTP report generated |
A delivery receipt or an NDR was created. |
1018 |
SMTP report absorbed |
The receipt or the NDR could not be delivered and was absorbed. (You cannot send an NDR for an NDR.) |
1019 |
SMTP submit message to AQ |
A new message is submitted to Advanced Queuing. |
1020 |
SMTP begin outbound transfer |
A message is about to be sent over the wire by SMTP. |
1021 |
SMTP bad mail |
The message was transferred to the Badmail folder. |
1022 |
SMTP AQ failure |
A fatal Advanced Queuing error occurred. Information about the failure was written to the Event Manager. |
1023 |
SMTP local delivery |
A message was successfully delivered by a store drive (logged by Advanced Queue). |
1024 |
SMTP submit message to cat |
Advanced Queuing submitted a message to the categorizer. |
1025 |
SMTP begin submit message |
A new message was submitted to Advanced Queuing. |
1026 |
SMTP AQ failed message |
Advanced Queuing could not process the message. The message caused an NDR to be sent, or the message was put in the Badmail folder. |
1027 |
SMTP submit message to SD |
A message was submitted to the store driver by the MTA. |
1028 |
SMTP SD local delivery |
The store driver successfully delivered a message (logged by store driver). |
1029 |
SMTP SD gateway delivery |
The store driver transferred the message to the MTA. |
1030 |
SMTP NDR all |
All recipients were sent an NDR. |
1031 |
SMTP end outbound transfer |
The outgoing message was successfully transferred. |
1032 |
SMTP message scheduled to retry categorization |
1033 |
SMTP message categorized and queued for routing |
1034 |
SMTP message routed and queued for remote delivery |
1035 |
SMTP message scheduled to retry routing |
1036 |
SMTP message queued for local delivery |
1037 |
SMTP message scheduled to retry local delivery |
1038 |
SMTP message routed and queued for gateway delivery |
1039 |
SMTP message deleted by Intelligent Message Filtering |
1040 |
SMTP message rejected by Intelligent Message Filtering |
1041 |
SMTP message archived by Intelligent Message Filtering |
1042 |
Message redirected to the alternate recipient |
Appendix II
Fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are never blank.
Field name |
Description |
date-time* |
The date and time of the message tracking event. The value is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss.fffZ, where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, fff = fractions of a second, and Z signifies Zulu, which is another way to denote UTC. |
client-ip |
The TCP/IP address of the messaging server or messaging client that submitted the message. |
client-hostname |
The name of the messaging server or messaging client that submitted the message. |
server-ip |
The TCP/IP address of the source or destination server running Microsoft Exchange Server. |
server-hostname |
The name of the destination server. |
source-context |
Extra information associated with the source field. |
connector-id |
The name of source or destination Send connector or Receive connector. |
source* |
The Exchange transport component responsible for the message tracking event. The possible values for this field are as follows: · ADMIN (for Replay directory submission) · AGENT · DSN · GATEWAY (for Foreign connector submission) · PICKUP · ROUTING · SMTP · STOREDRIVER |
event-id* |
The message event type. These events are described fully in the table earlier in this topic. The possible values are BADMAIL, DELIVER, DSN, EXPAND, FAIL, POISONMESSAGE, RECEIVE, REDIRECT, RESOLVE, SEND, SUBMIT, and TRANSFER. |
internal-message-id* |
A message identifier that is assigned by the Exchange Server 2007 server that is currently processing the message. A specific message's value of internal-message-id is different in the message tracking log of every Exchange Server 2007 server that is involved in the delivery of the message. |
message-id |
The value of the Message-Id: field found in the message's header fields. If the Message-Id: header field does not exist or is blank, an arbitrary value is assigned. This value is constant for the lifetime of the message. |
recipient-address* |
A message was submitted by a server running Exchange Server 2007 computer that has the Mailbox server role installed to an Exchange 2007 computer that has the Hub Transport server role or Edge Transport server role installed. |
recipient-status |
The e-mail addresses of the message's recipients. Multiple e-mail addresses are separated by the semicolon character (;). |
total-bytes* |
The number of recipients in the message. |
recipient-count* |
The number of recipients in the message. |
related-recipient-address |
This field is used with EXPAND, REDIRECT, and RESOLVE events to display other recipient e-mail addresses associated with the message. |
reference |
This field contains additional information for specific types of events: · DSN - The Reference field contains the Internet-Message-Id of the message that caused the DSN. · SEND - The Reference field contains the Internet-Message-Id of any delivery status notification (DSN) messages. · TRANSFER - The Reference field contains the Internal-Message-Id of the message that is being forked. For all other types of events, the Reference field is blank. |
message-subject |
The message's subject found in the Subject: header field. The tracking of message subjects is controlled by the MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled parameter in the Set-TransportServer cmdlet for Hub Transport servers and Edge Transport servers, or in the Set-MailboxServer cmdlet for Mailbox servers. By default, message subject tracking is enabled. Message subject logging can be disabled by setting the value of the MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled parameter to $false. |
sender-address |
The e-mail address specified in the Sender: header field, or the From: header field if Sender: is not present. |
return-path* |
The return e-mail address specified by MAIL FROM: in the message envelope. Although this field is never empty, it can have the null sender address value represented as <>. |
message-info |
This field contains the message origination date-time for DELIVER and SEND events. The origination date-time is the time that the message first enters the Exchange organization. The value is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss.fffZ, where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, fff = fractions of a second, and Z signifies Zulu, which is another way to denote UTC. |
Table: Event Types Used to Classify Each Message Event
These are the Event-ID field above
Event name |
Description |
A message was submitted by the Pickup directory or the Replay directory that cannot be delivered or returned. |
A message was delivered to a mailbox. |
A delivery status notification (DSN) was generated. |
A distribution group was expanded. |
A message delivery failed. |
A message is put in the poison message queue or removed from the poison message queue. |
Indicates that replication has been halted for the passive copy. This state prevents the database from advancing, and logs from being copied. Possible values are True and False. |
A message was received and committed to the database. |
A message was redirected to an alternative recipient after an Active Directory directory service lookup. |
A message's recipients were resolved to a different e-mail address after an Active Directory lookup. |
A message was sent by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to a different server. |
A message was submitted by an Exchange Server 2007 computer that has the Mailbox server role installed to an Exchange Server 2007 computer that has the Hub Transport server role or Edge Transport server role installed. |
Recipients were moved to a forked message because of content conversion, message recipient limits, or agents. |
Comparing the field names that are used in the message tracking log and the field names that are used by the Get-MessageTrackingLog cmdlet
Field name that is used in the message tracking log |
Field name that is used to filter the Get-MessageTrackingLog results |
date-time |
Timestamp |
client-ip |
ClientIp |
client-hostname |
ClientHostname |
server-ip |
ServerIp |
server-hostname |
ServerHostname |
source-context |
SourceContext |
connector-id |
ConnectorId |
source |
Source |
event-id |
EventId |
internal-message-id |
InternalMessageId |
message-id |
MessageId |
recipient-address |
Recipients |
recipient-status |
RecipientStatus |
total-bytes |
TotalBytes |
recipient-count |
RecipientCount |
related-recipient-address |
RelatedRecipientAddress |
reference |
Reference |
message-subject |
MessageSubject |
sender-address |
Sender |
return-path |
ReturnPath |
message-info |
MessageInfo |
Appendix III
Fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are never blank.
Field name |
Description |
date-time* |
The date and time of the message tracking event. The value is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss.fffZ, where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, fff = fractions of a second, and Z signifies Zulu, which is another way to denote UTC. |
client-ip |
The TCP/IP address of the messaging server or messaging client that submitted the message. |
client-hostname |
The name of the messaging server or messaging client that submitted the message. |
server-ip |
The TCP/IP address of the source or destination server running Microsoft Exchange Server. |
server-hostname |
The name of the destination server. |
source-context |
Extra information associated with the source field. |
connector-id |
The name of source or destination Send connector or Receive connector. |
source* |
The Exchange transport component responsible for the message tracking event. The possible values for this field are as follows: · ADMIN (for Replay directory submission) · AGENT · DSN · GATEWAY (for Foreign connector submission) · PICKUP · ROUTING · SMTP · STOREDRIVER |
event-id* |
The message event type. These events are described fully in the table earlier in this topic. The possible values are BADMAIL, DELIVER, DSN, EXPAND, FAIL, POISONMESSAGE, RECEIVE, REDIRECT, RESOLVE, SEND, SUBMIT, and TRANSFER. |
internal-message-id* |
A message identifier that is assigned by the Exchange Server 2007 server that is currently processing the message. A specific message's value of internal-message-id is different in the message tracking log of every Exchange Server 2007 server that is involved in the delivery of the message. |
message-id |
The value of the Message-Id: field found in the message's header fields. If the Message-Id: header field does not exist or is blank, an arbitrary value is assigned. This value is constant for the lifetime of the message. |
recipient-address* |
A message was submitted by a server running Exchange Server 2007 computer that has the Mailbox server role installed to an Exchange 2007 computer that has the Hub Transport server role or Edge Transport server role installed. |
recipient-status |
The e-mail addresses of the message's recipients. Multiple e-mail addresses are separated by the semicolon character (;). |
total-bytes* |
The number of recipients in the message. |
recipient-count* |
The number of recipients in the message. |
related-recipient-address |
This field is used with EXPAND, REDIRECT, and RESOLVE events to display other recipient e-mail addresses associated with the message. |
reference |
This field contains additional information for specific types of events: · DSN - The Reference field contains the Internet-Message-Id of the message that caused the DSN. · SEND - The Reference field contains the Internet-Message-Id of any delivery status notification (DSN) messages. · TRANSFER - The Reference field contains the Internal-Message-Id of the message that is being forked. For all other types of events, the Reference field is blank. |
message-subject |
The message's subject found in the Subject: header field. The tracking of message subjects is controlled by the MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled parameter in the Set-TransportServer cmdlet for Hub Transport servers and Edge Transport servers, or in the Set-MailboxServer cmdlet for Mailbox servers. By default, message subject tracking is enabled. Message subject logging can be disabled by setting the value of the MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled parameter to $false. |
sender-address |
The e-mail address specified in the Sender: header field, or the From: header field if Sender: is not present. |
return-path* |
The return e-mail address specified by MAIL FROM: in the message envelope. Although this field is never empty, it can have the null sender address value represented as <>. |
message-info |
This field contains the message origination date-time for DELIVER and SEND events. The origination date-time is the time that the message first enters the Exchange organization. The value is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss.fffZ, where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, fff = fractions of a second, and Z signifies Zulu, which is another way to denote UTC. |
directionality |
tenant-id |
original-client-ip |
original-server-ip |
custom-data |
Comparing the field names that are used in the message tracking log and the field names that are used by the Get-MessageTrackingLog cmdlet
Field name that is used in the message tracking log |
Field name that is used to filter the Get-MessageTrackingLog results |
date-time |
Timestamp |
client-ip |
ClientIp |
client-hostname |
ClientHostname |
server-ip |
ServerIp |
server-hostname |
ServerHostname |
source-context |
SourceContext |
connector-id |
ConnectorId |
source |
Source |
event-id |
EventId |
internal-message-id |
InternalMessageId |
message-id |
MessageId |
recipient-address |
Recipients |
recipient-status |
RecipientStatus |
total-bytes |
TotalBytes |
recipient-count |
RecipientCount |
related-recipient-address |
RelatedRecipientAddress |
reference |
Reference |
message-subject |
MessageSubject |
sender-address |
Sender |
return-path |
ReturnPath |
message-info |
MessageInfo |
directionality |
tenant-id |
original-client-ip |
original-server-ip |
custom-data |
MessageLatency |
MessageLatencyType |
EventData |
Search filters that are available by using the Get-MessageTrackingLog cmdlet
Search filter |
Corresponding field in the message tracking log |
End |
date-time |
EventId |
event-id |
InternalMessageId |
internal-message-id |
MessageId |
message-id |
MessageSubject |
message-subject |
Recipients |
recipient-address |
Reference |
reference |
ResultSize |
None. This parameter limits the number of results that are displayed by the search. |
Sender |
sender-address |
Start |
date-time |
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Thx for detailed info,
I have written a nice script that can be used for tracking multiple users logs based on dates & this can be modified to get other fields as input.
Sukhija Vikas - Anonymous
January 01, 2003
And I would like to know how we can find the real sender of an eMail if the sender is using a shared mailbox and sending out eMails AS this shared mailbox's delegate. In the message tracking logs you can only see the shared mailbox's eMail-Adress as sender but not the eMail-Address of the real user who sent it. - Anonymous
April 24, 2014
Thanks a lot for these informations that I've found very usefull! (y)
I would like to know if there is an equivalence between Exchange 2003 logs and exchange 2007 logs. For example :
if we have in 2003 logs event-i=3 or 53 what is its corresponding event in 2007 logs ? is it SEND or a combination of ROUTING,SEND for example?
Help me please! :) - Anonymous
August 11, 2015
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
October 16, 2015
@Fed up Admin 100% agree. Talk about opening the fire hose. Not efficient, off to an EX forum not run by M$. - Anonymous
January 05, 2016
@Fed up and Cranky....maybe IT is not suited for you. I understand. I was a simple one click admin once too.